Chapter 3

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(Before the twins' bell rang)

"Bill! Did you get some information for me?" I asked.

"Yeah I actually did. Here you go, turns out the pranker that pranked you lives down the street." He said with raised brows.

"What!?" I said as I grabbed it from him to see for myself with the boys behind me in pursuit. It in fact was true that the person that did this did live down the street! Wow, I've seen that house a couple times but I didn't think the people that lived in it were pranksters.

I thought they were rich snobs that took money for granted. Now I know them as snobby pranksters who take money for granted. Now its time to pay them a visit.

"Guys I think I'm gonna go deal with this myself." I said turning to the guys.

"You sure? We don't mind going." Liam said.

"No, I'll be fine just give me 5 minutes. Give me five minutes, then I'll be back. I'll just be down the street anyway." I said to them as I walked out the door.

Once I closed the door it immediately opened to see a teared up Louis. What's his problem? He opened the door fully and gave me a bone crushing hug while crying silently.

"Why are you crying Louis?" I asked but couldn't help the smile of amusement.

"Its never left or went anywhere without me. Its just so sad how your growing up and are being pulled away from me." He said looking at me with tears rolling down his face.

"I'm just going down the street for a few minutes. But sure I'll miss you too." I said returning the hug.

He didn't let go. After like 5 minutes of me just standing there I had to ask the others if they could help me. They slowly but successfully pried him off me and I ran to the car before he could get back to me.

I started the car and drove down the street. This street has a lot of houses so I had a while before I reached the right one. I lot was going through my mind right now.

What will I say?

Do I call the police ahead of time?

Do I ring the doorbell or bang on the door with my fists?

What if the people are rude and snobby or have anger issues or have a panic attack and die right in front of me?!

That last one really stuck with me. What if I kill them then go to jail and never be able to see Louis again!? Maybe I should just turn around and forget about this whole thing and go home and watch football.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the 'DEAD END' sign at the end of the street. I parked my car and stood in front of the house to just look at it. I've seen it plenty of times but it was even better up close. I walked up the pearl white steps and rang the gold and white door bell. Well here goes nothing. Hopefully they don't die.


When the bell rang I froze and fell flat on my face. Once I recovered myself I looked at Aria and she had the same facial expression I had. Shocked and nervous. I ran over to our BG and tried to stop and reason with them to not open that door.

"You guys don't need to answer the door. Just let it ring through until the person leaves." I said.

"Sorry missy but I have to see who it is. It could be someone or something important." One replied.

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