16~☁️~ Hairy! Reader x Crush

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Title: You're still beautiful
Requested by: Tamyradoe

A/N ~ And by hairy, it means that the reader doesn't shave except for underarms (details given to me) and that the reader is also boyish.


3rd POV

The sound of the school bell ringing around the campus, cheered the students that were once misery but now alive once again.

(Y/N) yawned and stretched, seemingly asleep the whole period. Getting nudge by the boy who just walked beside her, (Y/N) lazily looked up to him as (C/N) chuckled.

"You look weird when you wake up"

"Funny, I was already weird before I even woke up"

As they burst in a hearty laugh, the students glare not to (C/N) but to (Y/N), both seem to not mind not care. Continuing to joke around, the girls continued to stare at (Y/N) in disgust and discomfort.. wondering why a man like (C/N) would hang around her than them.

"He must be hanging with her for a date or a bet.."

"Poor (C/N)... Such cruel of a dare.."

(Y/N) paid no attention to the girls' whispers, if they stayed where they are and not bother them physically or disrupt them, she's all fine and chill. But one didn't know her place.

"Why are you hanging out with this freakshow?"

(C/N) glared at (E/N)..

"She's not a freakshow, she's just like us. Human."

"A hairy one at that~"

The whole class laughed with (E/N) who intentionally insulted (Y/N) out loud.

"I mean, yeah, sure.. I am hairy, at least these hair on my legs are more real than your eyebrows."

The whole room went quiet when (Y/N) spoke, loud roars of cheers suddenly boomed, shocked with the sudden burn given to (E/N).
(E/N) sweat dropped, not expecting such reply.

"Well.. At least I don't look like a lost yeti who roams around and terrorises a school!"

Oooohhhs went through the crowd, but (Y/N) wasn't fazed.

"Yetis are rare, unlike you who looks nothing but a common shaved cat out in the streets."

The oohhs went loud and clear as the crowd goes wild, making (Y/N) smirk and (E/N) red in anger and embarrassment.

"(C/N) just hangs out with you out of pity! Why would a man like him even hang out with you?!"

"Because he's a true man that gains friendship unlike the lies you spread around school just to gain fame."

The crowd went crazy as (E/N) was ready to strangle (Y/N).

"You dirty whore--!"

"The mirrors are on the bathroom you know?"

(E/N) jumped at (Y/N) but was stopped by (C/N).

⏭️Crush X Reader Oneshots⏮️ ~Book 1~ [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now