I hate Americans

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Crowley's POV

I had watched as my Angel slumped forward into my arms. Castiel had stepped over to us in shock. Beside his absolutely torn apart hand, he had a cut running across the length of his chest, I covered his hand rather roughly with my own hoping to stop the bleeding. He mumbled a bit into my arms but didn't wake. Cas leaned him back and I opened the first aid kit. Pulling out as much gauze as possible. I looked up at Cas who only shook his head, waving a hand over him, nothing changed. I frowned and did the same, a wave of nausea passed over me. I looked back up and shook my head.

"We'll deal with it later." He said gruffly and turned back to Dean, I heard him begin to explain the situation. It had been barely moments after Zira was pulled into heaven before Cas was following, there had to be something they had set up. Knowing Aziraphale I wouldn't be surprised. I had no idea how to do stitches seeing as Aziraphale was the healer, so I improvised by tightly wrapping his fingers individually then his palm, finally taking out the splint Zira kept around and securing it to Zira's wrist. I looked over at the small group.

"Can umm can we have some privacy?" I gestured at the cut in his chest. They nodded and shuffled into the small kitchen. Slowly with lightly shaking hands I unbuttoned his shirt and began to patch it up. The red had already run through some of his undershirt and most of his sleeve, I was able to take the stains out however, with a long sigh. I walked into the kitchen and began to make tea, refusing to look at the others.

"Is he?" Cas asked quietly.

"He'll be fine." I winced at the sharp tone in my voice, truth be told I was worried about him, I should have done better to protect him, but there I was hiding under a couch as he was nearly discorporated. I wiped a hand over my face and put the kettle on with a heavy sigh.

"Do you have anything that's not tea?" Dean said and I tensed, he was really out to get his. From the way he stood to the way he talked. I chose to ignore it clicking my fingers to speed up the boiling water, the kettle whistled and I grabbed cups making Zira one, although he was still unconscious. I nodded at Castiel and walked back into the living room. His golden curls were hanging in a mess around his head almost a halo, his shirt-I had rebuttoned it- was in tatters it was barely a thought but my fingers snapped and his coat, shirt and vest were back in perfect order. I sipped the still scalding tea but didn't notice. His eyes moved under his eyelids and I tilted my head to watch him. His chest rose and fell rhythmically and I smiled. He was in all ways perfect. From the way, he smiled to, his long and seemingly endless talks about books, I was all wonderful. I leaned forward slightly and took his better hand in mine, everything would be fine, at the end that was.

"So the demon has a soft spot for the angel does he?" My head snapped up at Dean's voice, who had been leaning against the door. I sighed restraining myself from strangling him. Slowly I removed my hand from Zira's and leaned back.

"No, I don't," I lied. "I just have real friends, other than the moose and tax accountant, but even he doesn't seem to only be a friend," I said sharply and Dean walked close to me, his nose practically touching mine. I only stared into his eyes, did really didn't scare me, Castiel did but I wouldn't let him know that of course.

"Listen to me I don't love Cas, he's my best friend, but there is no chemistry there unlike you and fluffy over there." My head tilted slightly before a small laugh escaped. I heard a small rustle from the couch next to me.

"Did you just call me fluffy?" Zira said sounding slightly shocked, almost offended. I froze biting my bottom lip. No laughing. Well, his curls that had originally looked beautiful now stood uneven around his head, giving him an even softer look, and a small giggle escaped my mouth. Dean who was now out of my face smiled before ducking back into the kitchen at Castiel's call. I looked at Zira before muttering a small,

"Heel doggy." Zira snorted and hit me playfully on the shoulder. I handed him the cup of tea on the small table.

"Well, that's not quite how I expected my morning to go by." He said with a smile gazing over my shoulder through the window.

"Yeah but who likes plans anyway," I said standing up. He followed holding his tea in his better hand and looking down at his other one.

"You know I don't think that's how you deal with a broken wrist." He laughed but continued into the kitchen without care. I scoffed and followed behind him. This angel he was going to be the death of me.

"Aziraphale! You're awake." Castiel said with a smile. I noticed, to my great amusement that everyone in the room was taller than him, to be fair the moose seemed to tower over anyone.

"Yeah, thanks for getting me out of there, I told you the codes would work!" He sipped the tea before I could stop him and he put his tongue to his lips, turning to me slowly. "That's really hot!" He set the cup down and looked back over at the trio. "Alright, I'm going to get into a lot of trouble for this." He sighed. "Cas can I have your help?"

"NO! I told you ages ago, I'm not doing this again." He said shaking his hands and head at the same time.

"Please." Zira gave him a look and Cas crumbled. He nodded slowly. "Fantastic alright sit," More chairs appeared around the table. Zira gave me a side look.

"Wait what are you guys doing?" Dean said backing away from the table.

"We are going to pray, sit down mortal, if we got my angel doing it you'll be fine." I sat next to Zira and he held a hand out for me to take.

"Cas, I need you st sit in between them, I'll sit next to Dean, it seems he'll need the most 'help'" Dean scoffed but took the angels' hands Sam took mine hesitantly and held Cas's, I was the last one. "Crowley, dear it's fine, grab my hand, you won't hurt me." He said quietly and I did quite gingerly. He exhaled slowly and nodded at Cas who shut his eyes. "Hold on tight!" Then the wind blew.

Word count: 1178

A/N I don't actually hate Americans, I love them actually, I want to live in America.

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