Peter Parker> field trip to Hell (6)

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Word count: 902Type: FunnySong: Bubblegum Bitch - MARINA n and the diamonds

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Word count: 902
Type: Funny
Song: Bubblegum Bitch - MARINA n and the diamonds

(Y/n {maya}'s POV)

I led the group to the training room to train with Natasha, Steve and me. "So is everyone here? Yeah. I'm gonna be leaving for this and I'll be back after." I said walking out of the room. I went to the bath room changed back into me and and walked back to the training room.

"Hey everyone. I'm back again." I said walking into the room.

"Hey, um, Y/n's here because we thought that it would be better to train with someone your own age." Steve said.

"Ok so first we should just do some training. Pair up and go practice punching the punching bags." Natasha said.

Natasha and Steve paired together, Ned and Mj, Me and Peter and everyone else with they're own partner. Flash was right next to me and Peter "Why does Peter get to train with an avenger?" Flash wined.

"Because he can." I said back like it was obvious. Flash scoffed and went back to training.

"Ok Peter you hold now." I said started to punch the bag as Peter held it.

After a few minutes of punching bags Nat decided that we would move on and everyone would get a chance to try and fight me. I was the worst fighter of the avengers. They usually just used my skills to get into HYDRA bases and spy on people. But I wasnt that bad at fighting. I mean I could knockout a HYDRA agent just not 10 of them.

"Ok everyone I think we've done this enough who wants a chance to spar with an avenger?" Natasha asked and hands raised in the air along with a chorus of yeahs and me's.

"You, the boy who tried to talk to me in the Cafe." I said pointing to Flash.,

He walked up to me with a cocky smile. I got into a fighting pose and so did he. "Ready?" I asked.

"How more ready can I be I'm only fighting a girl." He said. I've literally never hated anybody more. Not only is he a bully but he's sexist too. Gross.

I smiled. "You don't wanna fight a girl? Then fight this." I looked at Steve and he nodded. I shape shifted into Steve and knocked Flash down. I went back to my original form. "Don't ever doubt a girl of her abilities." I said kicking him and he let out a groan from the pain. "Ok who's next. I won't go as hard as long as you aren't sexist and gross." I said.

Mj raised her hand. I honestly wasn't expecting that. "Come on." I said motioning for her to come over.

We got in fighting position and I swung at her and she jumped back dodging it. "Good." I said. "Ok, now I'm gonna swing at you and your gonna block it ok. Just put your hand up like this," I said crossing my hand infront of my body showing her how to block a punch.

I swung at her and She blocked Me. I swung a few more times and let her swing at me until we were finished and she got off the mat. "Peter your next." I said.

"But I don't" He started but I ignored him.

"I don't care if you want to or not Speter your gonna." I said grabbing his hand and dragging him into the mat thinking about how he got lucky I saved myself for calling him spidey.

(Peter's POV)
'On my god she almost called me Spidey. Why do I have to fight her I don't even wanna.

"Um, Ms. Maximoff, Peter has been misbehaving in this trip and I don't think it's fair that he gets to fight with an avenger when they're are many kids that have been good and deserve to have chance," Mrs. Smith said. Oh god y/n's gonna kill her.

(Y/n's POV)

"I've been watching what has been going on during this trip and Peter is not the one misbehaving so can you please just let me do what I need to do." I said and turned back to Peter an got into a fighting pose. We started to spar.

"We using powers?" I asked as I put him in a head lock.

"No I'm not exposing my self." He said as he got out of it pinning me down.

"Fine." I said trying to get up but couldn't so I kissed him catching him off guard and turned over pinning him to the ground. He tapped out.

"Get off." He pushes me off and I started to laugh. Peter joined in. We had both forgotten about his class in the room staring at us.

"Uh Peter." I said and stoped laughing, so did he. We quickly got up. I checked the time and it was time for the Q&A anyways. "I gotta go." I said running out of the room to where we would be doing the Q&A. Which is our living room.

Oh wait I'm the tour guide. I turned back into Maya and went and got the group bringing them to the living room and leaving to get ready for the Q&A. I know this is all just gonna be questions about me and Peter now and I'm not ready for that. I messed up big time.

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