Peter Parker>Field Trip to Hell (5)

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Word count: 677Type: FunnySong: Cola - Lana Del Ray

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Word count: 677
Type: Funny
Song: Cola - Lana Del Ray

(This freaking vine I can't stop thinking about it for some reason. WHAT HE GONNA MUNCH AND CRUNCH!!)

(Y/n {Maya}'s POV)

I lead the group through the rest of the tour telling them made up facts because although I live here I don't know shit about stark industries. But I tried to make what I said reasonable and believe able, nothing too crazy.

"Ok everybody it is now time for lunch and we will be going down to the café." I told everyone and led them to the Café.

~in the cafe~

"Ok everyone just find and empty seat and an sit." Everyone dispersed and sat down with there lunch.  I walked over to Peter.

"Hey Pete. You know it's me right." I said to him as we sat down.

"Yes I know it's you Y/N." He said with a smile. I love that smile, it's so cute.

"Ok so um, I was not expecting your teacher to try and throw you out. And she completely ignored Flash." I said angrily.

"Yeah I know." Peter mumbled.

"You're lucky I haven't killed her yet." I said taking a bite of my sandwich. Peter laughed.

"Wait let me get this straight." Ned said. "So you're y/n." He pointed at me.

"Yeah." I said with a nod.

"Ok so y/n do you know if any more avengers are gonna make an appearance before the meet and greet?" Ned asked.

"I don't know, Maybe." I said right as a plain that was holding Shuri and T'challa landed out side the Café. Time for phase four. I looked around making sure no one saw me and shape shifted back to my regular self.

Shuri and T'challa walked off of the plain and over towards me, Peter, Mj and Ned. "Hey Peter." Shuri said sitting down.

"Hey what are you guys doing here?" Peter asked in a surprised voice.

"Just visiting." Shuri said beginning to eat her food. Then the teacher came over.

"Mr. Parker why are you bothering the avengers come over here and sit with the rest of your class." She said.

"Uh don't you realize Ned and I are here too." Mj said. The teacher just looked at her.

"They're fine Mrs." I paused for a second trying to think of her name. "Smirnoff. No no it was more basic and stupid then that. Ummmmmm, Smoth! No, no that can't be it. You know what it doesn't matter you're not important just leave Peters fine." I told The now angry teacher. (If you understand the reference in this I will love you forever. No offense to anyone who's name is Smith. I have a fried with the last name smith they are very nice. They smoke weed tho but it's ok)

Mrs. whatever her name is scoffed and walked away giving Peter a glare. "How rude." I said looking back at my food and eating.

Then someone else came over. Flash. "What is Penis Parker doing over here with an avenger and the king of Wakanda?" He asked sitting down. I moved away from him.

"Eating. What did you think he was doing? Sacrificing a cat to Satan?" I sassed back with 'duh' like energy radiating off my words.

"I mean what would a guy like Parker be doing with royalty? Wouldn't a guy like me be better suited for that?" He said like it was obvious.

"What do you man a 'guy like you'? A guy with such a fragile ego he can't get over the fact that Peter freaking Parker is better then him at something." I mocked him with a fake pout and mocking voice.

"Jesus Peter What'd you have to do to get Y/n freaking Maximoff to pretend to know you?" Flash teased with a laugh.

"Why can't you get it through your thick skull that we aren't faking." Shuri said standing up. Flash just walked away. And now hits time for training with the avengers aka phase 5.

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