The One With the Prologue.

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I grabbed the stand, trying to stop my hands from shaking. My eyes refused to meet the eyes of those who gathered around the stage, awaiting to see what's next. The world stands still, and the voices drown into this strange silence that echoed inside my ears.

I could feel the stares burning through my flesh as they waited for something, anything. My fingertips slowly rose along the cold black metal until they found their place on the glittering back of the mic. My eyes slowly and cautiously wandering up, searching the eyes of those I knew and those I didn't get the chance to know. Searching for the familiar faces I knew were somewhere in the crowd.

A smile stretched across the curve of my mouth as I saw their faces smiling back at me, a wide mixture of emotions splattered across their faces. That made me realize how shocked they must have been seeing me up here, but it only gave me the courage to open my mouth. "We may have met before," I started to say, my voice a little shaky. "Or we didn't get the chance to, but I am thankful to all of you, I am thankful for the laughter, the pain, and all that's in between." A soft smile playing on my lips.

I adjusted the straps on my shoulders, allowing it to rest comfortably, as the tips of my fingers hovered over the strings, getting ready to play the tune I know by heart. Providing me with some sense of comfort. A deep breath to calm my beating heart and a strum of my guitar was all it took to send chills down my spine.

"This one is for the ones who have always been there, here is my thank you." I said, as I evened the tone, my eyes finding theirs, and my voice coming out, for them and only them, as I slipped into my little haze of music. Drowning all the others out, as I hugged them through the lyrics, hoping it would say it all. Say all that I couldn't.

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