The One where you never let go.

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"And she's got the nerve to say I've been an ass for not checking on her!" Zayna exclaimed as we made our way towards her locker.

"She never talked to you after what happened, did she?" I asked. "Never!" Cried Zay, shaking her head no.

"That's weird."

"More like fucked up," Cried Zay as she pushed her books inside the locker, before slamming it shut. "I bet she needs something, otherwise why would she talk to you now!" Exclaimed Ash.

"It's not like the likes of her would pop uo back into your life like that after ghosting you for years!" She added.

"Second that," I agreed with Natasha as we resumed our walk towards the cafeteria. "So you're gonna talk to her?" I asked turning back to Zayna.

"I don't know," She shrugged. "But I bet she won't stop till I do. She has always been like that!"

"You think she is still on that drama?" I asked as we entered the cafeteria. "It's hard to figure it out from a text, but she's been quiet, so I guess she got over it!"

"Plus, it was all based on her assumptions, so," added Zay with a shrug.

"Hasn't she been dating that guy from the football team?" Said Natasha.

"Bet that's been keeping her busy." Said Zay as she sat her bag on the table, taking her seat next to Zack.

"So.." She started. "Should I reply?"

"To whom?" Asked Zack. "Kaitlyn," She answered.

"You're still talking to her?" Asked he in confusion. "Nah, she just texted me out of no where yesterday, and I am contemplating whether or not I should reply,"

"You shouldn't." He said without hesitation. "Why? Maybe she regrets what she did and wants to make amends!" Exclaimed Zay, putting the assumption out there, but he wasn't buying it. "You're too kind for your own good." He shook his head.

"Those types of people never change Zee. She'll just break you all over again." He said, pretty mych repeating what Natasha just said.

"But it's up to you in the end," He added, his focus shifting back to his food.

I think the fact that he was a part of what happened with Zayna back then, even if it wasn't direct, is making him more hesitant when it comes to it now. "I won't let her," She promised with a smile as he gave her a nod.

"How did it go yesterday?" Asked Ash, changing the subject.

"Nothing much, we covered the basis and how we want the project to look like." I explained. "Now we're doing our research, and we're gonna meet again in a few days." I added, refraining from mentioning the last bit of our conversation, for I knew how they would react if If I did.

I haven't slept much last night, as I jumped from one chat room to the other reading some of the stories the kids shared on the site, which got my head off the fact that he never admitted nor denied liking her.

But either topic was enough to keep me up all night. With one channelling my inner worries and the other channelling my fear for the kids on the website and wonder of how they are dealing with whatever they are going through, and if they are still hanging on.

"Nothing else?" Whispered Zay, making sure she goes unnoticed by Zack, which made me smile in amusement, better have been this careful sooner! "Hey Zack," I said, looking at the guy in front of me. I gotta use this for my amusement, you know!

"Do you think I should tell Adam I like him?" I asked, noticing the horrified expression of the two girls sitting in front of me.

It took him a second to catch the jist, but he caught on quickly playing along, "You didn't tell him yesterday?"

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