Save Me From Myself

Start from the beginning

After a while I was starting to feel the effects. The bar was starting to fill up a bit as nightfall drew upon us, and I had to fend off a couple of guys in the process. I pulled out my phone and had about 50 missed calls: most of them from Austin, a few from Alan, and one from an unknown number. I was ready to leave, but I had no idea where I was. I walked to the corner of the bar and dialed Austin's number. He picked up on the second ring.

"Lyla?" he answered, worry apparent in his voice. "Lyla, where are you? Are you okay?" He asked.

"Hey Austin. Yeah I'm fine," I said, hiccuping, trying not to sound completely wasted, which I failed at.

"Are you drunk, Lyla?" He asked. I let out a little giggle.

"What??? Noooo....nooo never!!" I answered, yelling into the phone as the noise in the bar escalated.

"Lyla, where are you? I'll come get you," he said, his voice calming down a bit.

"Ummmm....I'm not sure." I paused and turned to one of the guys who had been hitting on me.

"Hey you! Hey, where am I right now?" I asked him, laughing a little. He mumbled the name of some bar, and apparently he took that question as me hitting on him and he stood up and walked over to me, trying to have a conversation.

"Apparently I'm a CT"s Bar on Fifth Avenue," I relayed to Austin over the phone.

"Okay, okay. I'll be there as soon as I can." I could hear a hint of anger in his voice. I hung up the phone and shoved it back into my pocket before heading back to the bar, the guy I had spoken to still following me like a lost puppy. I let the guy buy me a shot of whiskey, and we downed the drinks, laughing in the process. I was getting too drunk....nothing good could come of this.

It wasn't long before I saw Austin walk hurridly in the front door, making a bee line for me when he saw where I was.

"Austinnnnn!!!!" I yelled obnoxiously, wrapping my arms around him as he stood next to me. He pried me off of him, looking down at me disapprovingly. He paid the bartender for my drinks before pulling me up.

"Hey can I get your number or something," the drunk guy asked.

"Fuck off!!" Austin yelled back at him. Yep, he was pissed. We walked out of the bar, him basically pulling me behind him. I tried hard to keep my balance but it was difficult. We made it outside and he stopped, turning around to face me. His eyes flashed with anger and sadness.

"Lyla, what the hell were you thinking? What is going on? You just up and run away for no reason and now you're plastered?" he said, shoving his hands in his pockets, shaking his head. "C'mon we need to get back so we can leave," he said as he turned to walk back to the van parked out front. I attempted to walk after him but I lost my balancing, falling to the concrete.

I laid there laughing even though it hurt. I saw Austin turn around and walk towards me, before bending over and picking me up bridal-style. He put me in the passenger side of the van, before getting in the driver's seat and driving away. I fought the urge to barf and burst out in tears as we drove in dead silence.

It wasn't long before we reached the bus; I obviously hadn't ran as long as I thought I had. Austin threw the van into parked, racing over to the passenger side, pulling me into his arms as we made our way to the bus. He opened the door and stepped in. I was curled against Austin's chest but I could see Phil, Valentino, and Alan sitting on the couch. They all stood up as we walked in the door, worried expressions on their faces.

"She's fine, guys. Just wasted," Austin responded, sensing their apprehension. "Will you guys give us a minute?" he asked as he carried me to the back lounge, shutting the door, and setting me down on the couch. He sat next to me and grabbed my hand with his. I was silent for a long time before I couldn't help it anymore; a flood of tears escaped from my eyes. Austin pulled me into his chest, rubbing my back as I grabbed at his shirt, soaking it with my sobs.

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