Thor ~ Don't Be A Hero (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

I could hear someone softly snoring on my right, the air conditioning switching on and off, what seemed to be a faint incessant beeping. The sound didn't make it any less painful for my throbbing head. 

I laid there, trying to get a bearing of my surroundings, besides the fact that I was probably in a hospital room of sorts, with someone sitting beside me. If I listened hard enough, I could hear the person muttering in their sleep. Little things here and there. It sounded a lot like Thor muttering in his sleep too.

I concentrated on the sound of his voice, anchoring my thoughts onto it. He sounded distressed, tired even. I wanted to badly to reach out to him, to hold his hand and tell him that I was okay, to tell him not to be sad. But my body wouldn't listen to me. It felt like my arm was lead, just a dead weight that couldn't be moved. I tried opening my eyes, but my eyelids felt like heavy weights too.

Nonetheless, I still listened intently to Thor's mumbling, catching a few words here and there. 

"No, don't go! You can't leave me! I don't know what to do without you!" he cried. "(Y/N), please! I'm lost without you." A beat. "(Y/N), come back to me. Please. I love you too much to lose you."

My heart skipped a beat. Now I really wanted to leap from the bed and hug him, to tell him that yes, I loved him too, but my body wouldn't cooperate with me. I wanted to open my eyes, to see my best friend again. I wanted to do anything, everything to see my friend smile.

I heard a shuffling and a surprised Thor jolting awake, exhaling softly when he saw me lying still on the bed. He sounded almost...disappointed. I felt a weight on my own hand, enveloping it in warmth. Thor's thumb gently stroked my knuckles as he whispered to me.

"Wake up, (Y/N). Please? For me?" he pleaded once more.

A moment of silence passed before Thor exhaled dejectedly and his hand left mine. This time, I forced my eyes to open, slowly letting the light of the room flood my vision. I turned my head towards where I last heard my best friend, seeing his retreating back.

"Thor." I whispered hoarsely. He sniffled softly before moving to open the door.

"Thor." I tried again, louder this time. My throat hurt from the effort, my voice sounding like they'd been run over with a bunch of rocks.

This time, he paused, his hand still on the door handle. "(Y/N) is in a coma. She isn't talking to me. It can't be her. It's just tricks of my mind."

I felt hurt that he didn't have faith in me being alive. But then again, he went through so much. I don't blame him.


"Thor, turn around." my hoarse voice scratched at my throat with every word, making me cough from the effort. "It's really me."

Thor slowly pivoted where he was, and his eyes found mine. We stayed there, a moment of silence passing between us before Thor rushed towards me and gently cradled me head against him, sobs wracking his body. I heard my own sniffles and sobs mixed in with his as I pulled Thor's head into the crook of my neck, stroking his short hair and whispering reassuring words into his ear.

"I felt so helpless, (Y/N)." he mumbled between his sobs. "I don't know what I would do without you. Without you, I feel lost."

"Shhhh," I muttered, scooting back and gently tugging Thor's arm so he could lay against me. He clambered on without hesitation and curled up against my side, one arm wrapping around my waist and the other absentmindedly playing with one of my hands. His head rested on my shoulder, on the empty spans of pillow next to me.

"You don't understand, (Y/N). Everything about keeps me smiling and happy. It gives me a reason to keep going." Thor looked up at me with a gentle smile, caressing my face. "You give me a reason to keep going." 

His hands left their previous positions and cupped my face, brushing away tears that I wasn't aware had fallen from my eyes. "I love you, (Y/N), and seeing you on the verge of death made me realize how important you are in my life."

"Oh, hush." I swatted him away, blushing. "I love you too, but I couldn't let you take all the glory." I added with a smirk.

"Hmmm, but what happened to 'Don't be a hero.'?" Thor countered, using my words from when we were on Nidavellir. 

"Oh shut up." I laughed, pressing a kiss to Thor's forehead.

Well that took a while to finish lmao

I had most of both parts finished by july 17 but waited like another week to publish lmao whoops

Hope you enjoyed, bc none of y'all original readers came here to read thor x readers or jack wilder x readers and i feel bad for making you wait for updates that aren't even a part of your main fandoms

oh yeah requests are open btw so if u want to see actual one-shots of characters or actors that you came to read this book for, request smth

also tell me if anything seems wrong or inconsistent in these two thor x reader parts bc they're so long and i kinda skimmed when i was editing whoops

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