Chapter Three

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By lunch the house has finally started to warm up. My parents and Noah are still unpacking boxes and I'm left with the last of the boxes, if you don't count what's still in the Jeep. I decide it's high time for a shower. As I get out the shower, I wrap myself in a towel, flipping my hair forward as I brush it out and blow-dry it. After I finish, I apply a little makeup.
I brush my hair and pull it back into a ponytail and put some lip gloss and mascara. I forgo the blush, since there no longer seems to be a need for it. Between the weather and my brief encounters with Zion, my cheeks seem to stay red.
Mom and Dad are gone to return the U-Haul. Three twenty-dollar bills are on the counter next to the car keys and a grocery list. Great.
I snatch them up and head to the Jeep. I realize as I'm putting the car into reverse that I have absolutely no idea where I'm going. I know nothing about this town. Zion's little brother is in their front yard, so I pull the car up parallel to their curb and roll down my passenger window.
"Hey, come here for a second!" I yell at him
He walks toward the car, but stops three feet short of the window. "How do I get to the closest grocery store?" I ask him.
He rolls his eyes and go inside. Am I that scary? I didn't know that children don't love me. Anyway. Fuck it. I reach into the glove box to retrieve my GPS.
"That's not a good idea," Zion says.
I look up to see him walking toward the car. I make my best attempt to stifle the smile that is trying to take over my face.
I wonder what Zion thinks about me. If he even thinks about me. For some reason, I've been thinking about him more than I'm comfortable with. I keep wondering how old he is, what his major is, wether he's single.
"What's not a good idea?" I say as I insert the GPS into its holder and power it on.
He crosses his arms and leans in the window of the car. "There is quite a bit of construction going on right now. That thing will get you lost"
Noah jumps out of the backseat, runs to Zion's brother, and invites him inside to look at our house.
"Can I?" Zion's brother asks him. "Sure," Zion says as he opens my passenger door. "I'll be back in a little while, Elom. I'm riding with Lilie to the store".
He is?! I shoot a look in his direction and he's buckling his seat belt.
"I don't give very good verbal directions. Mind if I go with you?"
I put the car in drive and and listen as Zion gives me directions out of the neighborhood.
"So, Elom is your little brother's name?" I say, making a halfhearted attempt at small talk.
"My only brother, yeah. And I got an older sister. She lives with her boyfriend. Her name is Kékéli."
"I like her name. It's pretty unique" I say. "Yeah it's really unique compared to mine and-"
"I like your name!" I interrupt him.
I regret saying it as soon as it comes out of my mouth. It sounds like a lame attempt at flirting.
He laughs. I like his laugh. I hate that I love his laugh.
It startles me when I feel him brush the hair off my shoulder and touch my neck. His fingers slip under the collar of my shirt and he pulls it slightly down over my shoulder. "You're going to need a new bandage soon". He pulls my shirt back up and gives it a pat. His fingers leave a streak of heat across my neck.
"Remind me to grab some at the store," I say, trying to prove that his actions and his presence have no effect on me whatsoever.

"So, Lilie." He pauses as he glances past me at the boxes still piled high in the backseat. "Tell me about yourself"
"Um, no. That's so cliché," I say.
He laughs. "Fine. I'll figure you out myself"
He leans forward and hits play on my phone. My phone was connected with the radio in the car so one of my playlists started to play. "You know, you can tell a lot about a person by their taste in music."
He looks at the name of my playlist. "Lara's shit?" he says aloud and laughs.
"I don't like Noah playing my shit, okay?" I grab my phone out of his hands and put it back. When the first song played I start getting a little bit embarrassed. The music I listen to isn't like the music everyone listens to. I tend to listen to music that isn't mainstream.
And I don't want him to think anything wrong about me. I reach over and turn down the volume, when he grabs my hand in objection. "Turn it back up, I know this", he says. His hands remains clasped on top of mine. My fingers are still on the volume so I turn it back up. No way. He knows xxxtentacion?!
"Wait, you know Jah?" I asked. "Know? I love him. He's one of my favorite rappers and probably the only one"
This warms my heart. A rush of adrenaline shoots through my body as I look down at his hands, still holding on to mine, still holding on to the volume button.
I like it. But I'm mad at myself for liking it. Boys have given me the butterflies before and I usually try to have more control over my susceptibility to such mundane movements.
He notices me noticing our hands and he lets go, rubbing his palms on his pant legs. It seems like a nervous gesture and I'm curious wether he shares my uneasiness.
"I love him too", I say unsteadily
"Have you ever seen him perform live?" Zion asks.
I'm not sure why, but as we talk, I tell him the entire story about my "old" me. He listens intently, interrupting only to instruct me when and where to turn. I tell him about my passion for music. I tell him about all I've been going through. About how I wasn't happy. About my mental breakdowns. About how xxxtentacion saved my life. I tell him about the nights where I cried myself to sleep. About my sleepless nights. About my suicidal thoughts. I don't know why I keep talking, but I can't seem to shut myself up. I never divulge information so freely, especially to people I barely know. Especially to guys I barely know. I'm still talking when I realize we've come to a stop in a grocery store parking lot.
"Wow, I say as I take on the time on the clock. "Is that the quickest way to the store? That drive took twenty minutes"
He winks at me and opens the door. "No, actually it's not"
That's definitely flirting. And I definitely have butterflies.

Jah has a special place in my heart.. #LLJ Rip💔

Destiny and fate: Zion Kuwonu fanfic Where stories live. Discover now