I just couldn't stop staring at her. She was simply breathtaking and she definitely took my breath away. My mouth dropped open as my eyes moved from her sexy, attractive body to her beautiful face and my eyes widen a little as my eyes gaze over her face, refusing to believe that this was her.

She looked stunning, absolutely gorgeous.

Even though I prefer her without make up, it still took my breath away at how beautiful she looked.

And I'm definitely sure she's gonna stand out and probably make a few of those plastic models there, jealous but I was one hundred percent sure everyone will be looking at her and only thinking about that made a sad mixed with anger, emotion come upon me.

I was even having second thoughts on leaving her home and not taking her but I knew she would insist since she's doing this for Ethan so I pushed that thought aside but still couldn't help but check her out.

I felt shameless for doing so but seriously who can keep their eyes off of her? She looked like a f**king goddess.

[A/N: where can I find a man that think about me like this?😢😭💔]

I kept looking at her, forgetting that I'll be late if I don't leave now. I think I was hypnotize by her beauty or something cause I don't know why I can't look away. I couldn't look away but I somehow manage to do so when I saw that she had an uncomfortable look on her face, as if she was....insecure?

She can't be, can she?

She's literally to most beautiful girl I've ever seen and the first girl to ever take my breath away by her beauty. She should love her self because she looks stunning, absolutely stunning.

"Is.....it okay or should I changed into something more---"

"It's okay" I cut her off mid sentence. I wanted to say it was more than okay, you looked amazing but I didn't.

"We....should get going since it's getting late and the party is about to start" I say afterwards, clearing my throat and looked away from her so she won't caught me looking at her again. She nodded her head and I led her out my house and to my car, where I opened the door for her and then made my way over to the driver's seat.

Shutting the door, I started my car and drove off to the party just hoping that everything goes well, as it should.


Ithink I look bad in this dress.

I wasn't insecure at first and was loving the dress on me but I don't think I like it anymore since Damon was just staring at me for a few minutes.

He must be laughing at how hideous I look in it..

Oh god, I might even embarrass him by the way I look. Maybe I shouldn't have wore this dress. Who was I kidding? I must look really skinny and ugly in it.

Ugh! Why do I have to be so insecure?

[A/n: same😧]

"What are you thinking about?" A voice was heard, breaking the silence and I looked up to see Damon eyes on the road while he held unto the staring wheel.

'Nothing' was what I wanted to say in a rude tone. Yes, I was still angry at him for not believing me but.....maybe....maybe I should just push my hate for him away, just for now and actually enjoy myself.

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