Ah yes that he muttered to himself. Well, excuse me I have a patient to attend to so where is the patient's room? The nurse pointed to the hallway and instructed him to turn left and then the first door on the right. Lucien thanked the nurse and walked down the hallway to the patient's room. Once he got to the room he opened the door and walked in. He started looking at the files that were in his hand and saw the name of the patient.

Mmmm hmmm, Well Tiffany he spoke out loud. The room was empty so he could his checkup silence. His headache subsided a small bit but the pain was still there and a lot of noise would just aggravate the headache. He walked over to tiffany's bed and looked at her vitals. Her vitals were steady but he needed to get new x-rays done on her brain again. He looked at Tiffany's face she was pretty banged up and her case file stated she was attacked.

Why would someone attack someone as pretty as you Tiff, he thought out loud? You're so beautiful behind the bandages and tubes you have this innocent face. In his mind, Lucien could picture her without the bruises and saw that she did look like the type he would consider dating then again he banged everything that had two legs this week and with little memory he had left he surely knew he does not remember any of those woman's names. Lucien knew himself he was not the type to date he was the occasional sex buddy. He liked women and women loved him but he could never commit to one woman for the rest of his life. He had too many abandonment issues. What would an orphan kid know about love he thought? He had money and anyone can be bought these days. Women throw themselves at him.

He shook his head he found himself staring at Tiffany. Something about her stirred up some feelings. He felt like he knew her, he was drawn to her for some reason and it wasn't just her physical features. He decided to sit down and was intrigued to know more. He took his phone out of his pocket and opened his Facebook page and started searching for her name and surname. 

Tiffany had a unique surname so she was easy to find. Tiffany Michaelson, he repeated to himself they fit together he thought. He saw her birthday is in 2 months so in November she will be turning 26, She liked sport and was a jogger.

Interesting he thought. He scrolled down on her profile her relationship status complicated that intrigued him more. He likes the type of music she was into and by the looks of things she was far from home. He noticed she was studying and worked part-time at a dentist facility. How easy the internet has made it for people to stalk others. He then scrolled threw her photos and came across a picture of his sister.

Can't be he thought but there she was and they looked very cozy together. He checked the details of the photo to see when it was uploaded and to his surprise, it was uploaded a month ago. The picture was taken at a coffee shop his sister liked to go to. He looked at some other pictures and then remembered that he did, in fact, meet Tiffany once it was at his family's annual charity ball. She was his Cinderella. The one that got away. He remembered vaguely he was upset and stormed out of the house and took a walk when he met this girl on the bench outside they're home. His parents bought years ago a place near a lake and he grew up there until he was 11 and then they sent him off to boarding school till he was 18, then he had college and he started working but he was rarely home.

He remembered that Tiffany was also upset and they began to talk and they ended up spending the evening sitting there talking and laughing and he even asked her for a dance at one stage of the evening. He was mesmerized by her and it was not only her beauty but her heart was broken and her eyes reflected a lot of pain. They had a debate about how silly balls are and why people attended them and the benefit. She still confided in him she came with a friend but she got ditched. That her friend was more interested in getting a guy's attention, so he told her how upset he was because his parents were control freaks.

 He never got her name and she never knew who he was but they did not care that moment they were enjoying each other's company. Their evening was cut short when someone came to pick her up and took her home. He remembered she tripped and he caught her right before she fell and as he was holding her in his arms in that very moment where she stared in his eyes and he looked back at her he was blown away by how beautiful she was and he kissed her. The kiss was passionate, deep and her lips were soft and he wanted more. He did not want to let go but after the kiss, she blew him a kiss and he could see she was blushing her cheeks was red. She whispered in his ear "till we meet again" He thought it was silly at that time but he liked her. She ran across the lawn and disappeared. He hoped that he would find her but no such luck and she was not at any of the balls the years after so she was a mystery he could never solve.

He starred at her pictures she has changed a lot from the first time. He meant her appearance mostly. Her hair was way longer and she looked happy plus she had a great body. She was fit and she took care of herself. If he only put the pieces together back, then maybe they could have been a couple. He felt suddenly rage of anger all because of his spoiled little sister. She has been the key to all of this mess and yet still she is the one that reunited them. He walked out of Tiffany's room angrily and wanted to find his sister to give her a piece of his mind. He has had enough she has been a problem to him since she was born and she has to stop ruining his life. He walked up to the nurse's station and gave back the case file. The nurse looked up at him and asked him if there's anything else?

He looked at her with a frown on his face. I want new x rays done on Miss Michaelson's brain and my number is written there Call me as soon as it's available. The nurse nodded and he turned around and left the hospital. Exiting the hospital, he got in the backseat of the car and instructed the driver to take him to his parents' house. The driver nodded to Lucien and drove the car. Lucien decided to relax and rest his eyes for a bit it would be an hour drive before he got to his parents' house and within seconds he dozed off and fell asleep.

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