Chapter XIII

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Good day, ladies and gents. Hope you are having a mighty Tuesday!

Looking back down I shock Lilac lightly to wake her up. She hummed in retuned and her eyes began to flutter and her violet eyes opened slightly, she looked adorable. Did I just call her adorable... shaking my head gently at my thoughts. I stood up when Lilac rolled on the floor. I laughed at her silliness she really is like a little kid.

I walked steadily to the Crystal lake just when I was about to place my feet in the water when someone from behind me shouted: "Stop!"

I turned around slowly to see Lilac giving me what in the blimey are you doing look on her face. And I answered her look with a "What?, I am going to find a Kraken and get a crystal."

She sighed and returned with a really look, "By sinking to the bottom of the sea if that's what you mean?" She had her small hands on her hips and raised eyebrows on her face.

I laughed at her, she has changed in a day. She is more friendly and approachable now. In the midst of laughing, I clarified: "Of course not but by trying to swim." Even I know that won't work. But I needed to test it out what would happen once I am in the water. Really I don't believe I would sink after all bones are approximately the same density as seawater.

"Yeah right. Don't even think about it," she stated in a stern voice. Sighing and moving a hand through her thick Lilac hair. "I will give you the power to swim underwater and even breath but that's all that I am helping you with, got it?" she continued in her stern yet friendly voice.

Giving her a toothy grin I replied "Deal!" she beamed and gave me a wired looking liquid that glowed in different shades of purple. I looked at the small cold yet warm vile on the tips of my boney fingers and at Lilacs face skeptically. Do I really have to drink this weird looking thing, I thought.

"Yes you have to cuz if you don't you will sink to the bottom of the sea," she replied to my thought. I looked at her a little surprised and was about to ask her if she could read my mind but before I even asked she replied with a 'Yes'. Great, I deemed.

"You know you could have told me that earlier?" I questioned her in a friendly manner and she replied with a mischievous grin "Yeah I could have but what's the fun in that."

She really is starting to grow on me. Her cheekiness kind off reminds me of Haze and at that thought made my spirit a little gloomy. While still nursing the glass vile, I drank it and the warm liquid burned my throats like hot rum.

"Bloody Hell!" I cursed while choking and coughing "This stuff is strong."

"Yeah," she replied while saying the word slowly. I glimpsed at her with blurry eyes and her face was filled with guilt. Just when I began to question her. She said quickly "Forgot to tell you that it was." she looked once again sinful and shy yet for some reason her eyes spoke something else, something I can't quite understand, an emotion new to me. I was about to question her what was wrong when excruciating pain went through my whole body. I grunted, trying to hold the pain in, all the while my bones glowed purple and red. The pain subsided a little when another wave hit that was stronger than the first. This time I couldn't hold the excruciating pain so I screamed.

"What in the blimey is this thing!?" the pain was getting too much to the point my vision was covered with dark spots and my body felt hot as if someone threw on me hot molten iron. Lilac was saying something but all I could hear was my screams ringing through my ears.

Lilac shock my shoulders but nothing. She even slapped me on the face to try to get me to calm down but that made the ringing worse to the point I blacked out for the second time in the past day.  

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please keep in mind they have been edited but by me personally and my grammar isn't the best in the world. I will heir an editor later once the chapters have been all published.

It seems its Rowans fate to keep fainting in this book 😂

Wonder what will happen with the Kraken, find out in the next chapter on Friday!

Please do comment because that's the only way I can as a writer improve this art. 

Any advice on how to improve the story is greatly appreciated.

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