Chapter I

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Hello everyone and Welcome! 

I woke up to the sounds of Thundering footsteps, gunshots, canons and yelling.
I groan as my ears rang and my head pounded like a thousand drums. I rubbed my head with my hand, feeling the shortness of my hair, which was something still new to me. Something that I won't ever get comfortable with.

I shook my head, finally steading myself from the swaying boat. Reaching for my wooden doorknob, I opened it and what I saw was utter chaos.
Guns being shot, swords clicking and flying. Men beating each other in a fistfight. To any sane person, this would be a scene out of a sappy action story. But to me, this was just them saying Good Morning.

Yawning and swaying left and right, I walked through the chaos to reach the Wheel of the ship. While doing so I dodged the guns, swords and even flying men easily. Safely reaching the wheel of the ship, I grin and spin it fast and strong that the ship almost turned over from the force.
I kept myself steady, while everyone on the ship fell to the ground.
They all looked at my direction and yelled "Captain" in union.

While the others just looked at me and said "Captain!?" in confusion.

I just grinned and said with a cocky voice. "Yes, Captain that is I and what in the Blimey is going on my Ship!?"

My men looked at me in silence while the others. I am guessing that they are the enemy just looked at me in utter disbelief. Now the ship is heading towards the right course. I yell to my men "Off my ship with you lot!"

My men smiled and start charging at the enemy with every weapon they could find and pushed them off the ship. The scene was quite funny, seeing a couple of pirates literary push someone off the ship into the ocean. After a few brawls with them, they all fell with a splash in the cold winter water. While others looked at their appointed with fear in their eyes and shock on their faces as if we were the craziest bunch in the world. They all turned around and jumped off the Red Reaper in their own will.

I Grinned and shouted "Haze!"

A young man in his mid-twenties came and replied "Yes Captain" with a stiff soldier stance and a neutral face.

I raised one eyebrow at him. In return, his face came to a full smile that made his deep blue eyes shine like the ocean on a summer day. He relaxed his body and ran a tanned hand in his deep midnight hair. I shook my head at his behavior and signaled him to follow me.

We both smoothly walked across the deck of the ship with ease. Avoiding all the fighting and the faint swaying the boat made is it sailed across the sea surface.

Reaching the Captain's cabin, Haze sat on my wooden chair that was placed in front of my desk. Which was full of maps, books, compasses, and some other gadgets. He moves his slim hand across one of the books that were placed on my desk. He picked it up, read the title and gave me a look that said 'really' but he still had a wide smile on his lips. I moved quickly and grabbed the big leather Journal out of his hands and placed it on the small couch that was behind me. This man. I thought.

"What? All Captains have one especially Pirate Captains" I retorted, but as I said it, I could feel my cheeks heat up slightly.

He rolled his lips together trying to contain himself from laughing. Oh, this man still gets on my nerves.  He coughed thrice to cover up his laughter and replied "Of course captain. I am not questioning what you do in your spare time"

I looked at him in utter disbelief with and glared at him. Cold and hard and I responded "Don't say it as if I am reading some Lusty Book"

This time he didn't try to contain his laughter. He was hitting the desk with his palms. He looked like a mad man. I coughed and looked seriously at him. He took that as his cue to stop laughing and returned to his normal self, yet I could still see the smile on his lips.

I shook my head at him again and took a seat on the couch that I had placed the Journal on, only a few minutes before. I took a deep breath and looked at him once again in a very serious manner. "We only have two Crystals and finding the other two won't be easy and neither will the sacrifices they require. We must be cautious. In a few hours, we will reach Dead Men Cove. When we do, you know the drill. Everyone must stay on the ship, except for me you and Wes," I said.

Haze tensed and looked at me with a serious face. Gone all the playfulness from it. And asked a question I have been avoiding for a while now and he knew that. "What do you think you will sacrifice this time? The last time you managed to get out of the real sacrifice by finding a loophole."

I touched my short hair unconsciously and averted my eyes from him. But I could tell he had more to say by the way the flaming fires that burned in his eyes.

"What will you do then?" he continued.

I noticed that I missed half of what he said so I looked at him in the eye once more and that fire that was burning then was now a raging volcano. We held each other's gaze than he sighed, got up and left the Cabin but before he crossed the threshold he locked eyes with me again and his message was clear as day.

Now I was sitting in a small wooden room alone with my raging mind. I decided to close my eyes to try to calm down and be welcomed by the darkness.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please keep in mind they have been edited but by me personally and my grammar isn't the best in the world. I will heir an editor later once the chapters have been all published. 

Any advice on how to improve the story is greatly appreciated. 

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