Chapter III

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: KAJohn_16

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a great day! 

I looked to the sky and I could see, it was beginning to go light in color. Finally reaching the cave, I popped my head in first to see if there was any danger. Roaming my eyes across the dark, damped place I found it secure. I stood with my head held high and began marching in. I felt a few drops of water drip on me which made me shiver in the process. As I kept walking, the cave got darker and darker and quieter. I couldn't hear the walking of spiders, or bat wings flapping. 

Not even drops of water. I looked left and right I could only see darkness, remembering the torch I had in my bag, I took it out and lit it. As I did I could hear faint scratching in the distance. Holding the torch in my hand, I began walking. Focusing on what I was looking for but as I did I could hear the scratching was getting louder which meant that whatever it is; is getting closer.

 I noticed it was coming from behind me, stopping I waited for it comes. I gulped and could hear my heart racing and ringing in my ears. I could feel it climb me, whatever it was, was small in size and it stood next to my cheek, I was expecting pain but it instead a wet rough surface was scraped against my check almost like a lick. I opened my eyes and looked at my right shoulder to find it was none other than Wes. The furry creature almost gave me a heart attack, "Bloody hell Wes!" I screamed at the creature and it just acted as if it didn't care about the world. I shook my head at the Weasel.

Looking around once again, finally finding the blue glowing butterfly symbol. I tapped my finger on it while Wes was still on my shoulder. With magic, the wall that had the symbol on it disappeared into nothing. I took a deep step into the space, I searched around and it was beautiful. There was a deep blue lake, there was light coming from a few holes on the stone ceiling but what caught me the most was the old and worn out pirate ship that was in front of me. I stared at the flag and it was none other than Jack's Pirate ship with its black jolly rager waving in the wind.

I walked across the sand and into the cold chilling water, reaching the ship I found a rope and climb it. As I did Wes climbed the rope before me and sat on the edge to watch me with a tilted head. I wanted to roll my eyes at the creature but that won't do anything, reaching the deck I began to walk. As I did, I felt each wooden plank creak and bend under my feet. Walking slowly and not adding pressure due to me feeling that the wood would break underneath me. I kept heading towards the captains' corner. Feeling like someone was watching me which made me look behind me every few minutes.

When I reached the cabin, I saw it; The third Oceanic crystal. It was placed in the hands of a skeleton and judging from the clothing and the pirate hat. It was Jack's skeleton. He was holding the crystal in his left hand while his right hand was on top of it as if he was petting it. My face scrunched at the sight and a shiver run down my spine. I could tell Wes wasn't comfortable as well. I inched my fingers closer to the skeleton trying to pry his hands away from the crystal but as I did as I could feel the room getting chiller.

 I gulped and took out a small leather cloth. With the fabric, I took the crystal without touching it and wrapped the leather around it and placed it in my pouch. I apologized to Jack and placed his hands next to him. And I began to leave but I could tell that the room got colder and colder as time went by. Walking to the rope I felt anxious, it was never this easy. This doesn't feel right. But I kept heading towards the rope and climbed to the bottom, the moment my feet touched the white sand underneath my bare feet.

I heard a booming voice say "How dare ye steal me' treasure?"  I froze in my spot and cursed under my breath and began to run which was hard since the water was rising. I knew this wouldn't be easy. 

The water was rising higher and higher to the point it reached my knees and I began to continue to run in the water which wasn't simple. The more I struggled the higher the water rose, now the water covered my entire body so I began to swim. I cursed under my breath once again when I noticed I was being dragged deeper in. 

I struggled against the invisible force and thrashed my arms in all directions. I could feel my lungs begin to burn due to lack of oxygen. Bubbles escaped my mouth and I began to faint in the darkness while sinking deeper and deeper in the waters. Is this really how it's all going to end. My journey, my life, my goal. 

I couldn't even get the chance to say goodbye to him. As I thought that my eyes burned like the sun and so I closed them to accept my fate and wait for death. Just as I did that I could see a bright green light shine and something around my neck burn and then suddenly a soft serene voice said "Not your time my child" suddenly I could breathe again and a warm gentle hand was creasing my check.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please keep in mind they have been edited but by me personally and my grammar isn't the best in the world. I will heir an editor later once the chapters have been all published.

Any advice on how to improve the story is greatly appreciated.

What do you like about Rowan so far?

What do you think the crystal will sacrifice this time? 

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