Chapter Thirty- Farewell, Take Care

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Charlotte (Charlie, Lottie)


Leaving Ivan's place was a bit more difficult than I anticipated. I apologized over and over again for having to part, but I had to go visit Mrs. Lola. He did everything he could to get me to stay- cooked for me (it looked poisonous), told me that Francis would be looking for me, bought me clothes- I felt horrible. So, I called up Yao, and we made a compromise. If he stays with Ivan for a couple weeks, I will bake for him whenever he wants. Of course, I had to convince him I was good at baking before he agreed. 

When Yao arrived, I said goodbye to a teary-eyed Ivan, and got on the first plane to Paris. As I daydreamed while staring out at the clouds, I wondered what Francis would do. I told him not to try and find me.. Will he keep to his word? A part of me wants to see him again, but I remind myself that I shouldn't. I'll just miss him more than I already do. I'm still upset about the whole thing.. but perhaps hearing the whole story would add some closure. 

As soon as I landed in Paris, I took my luggage to the hospital, and went to visit Mrs.Lola. That's where I am now- but I can't seem to find the strength to step into her room. I look around, watching the bustling doctors rushing carts and supplies to different rooms, or charting, or just talking with their co-workers. They all lead different lives, ones that I'll never know. It's fascinating, really. 

"Excuse me, are you going in?", A nurse asks, rolling a cart next to me. 

I turn to her, admiring her caramel skin and dark eyes. She doesn't know how much the woman inside the room means to me. Nobody here does. I guess they're paid to stay out of that, though. 

"Oui..", I nod slowly, turning away from her and staring at the door once more. 

She gives me a confused look, before shrugging it off and skipping away. Taking a deep breath, I set my hand on the doorknob, and push it open. I wasn't expecting a wave of commotion to hit me, nor was I expecting so many doctors to be inside all at once. 

"What's going on-?!", I ask quickly, running towards Mrs. Lola, who lays motionless on the bed. 

"Someone needs to get her out of here", A doctor quickly says, prompting two nurses to hold my arms. 

"No! No, I'm staying!", I scream, shrugging them off. "I'll be good, I promise!", I beg, leaning against the wall and out of the way. 

This seems to placate them. I watch as one doctor frantically shouts about her B.P and heart rate, the others preparing to shock her heart. I don't know medicine, and I will never have interest in medicine- but right now, I wish I was a doctor so I could contribute in some way. Slowly, I tune out the doctors, and listen to her heart rate monitor. Her pulse is slowing down with each passing second... I can't break down now. They'll kick me out for sure. I just have to keep listening to the beat of the monitor. 

One beep..

One more...



I open my eyes quickly, and take in the scene as best I can. The white coats above her bed look solemn as they start to unplug her. One checks their watch, and announces time of death. I let out a gasp that sounds more like a whimper, and cover my mouth quickly. I look up, trying to keep the tears from spilling over. The monitor is finally unplugged, the continuous ringing ceasing. I rush over to her side, and take her hand in mine. She looks so pale.. Her hair has gotten more white and thin. Those rosy cheeks and bright smile that greeted me at the cafe has faded, replaced with dull features of a woman once alive. I clutch her hand tighter, burying my face in the sheets. 

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