XXIX. Bitches of the Same Feather

Start from the beginning

"Miss Makee," Mr.Nocella called out for me. "Do you have anything to say?"

I glanced at the word, quickly reading the notes behind him, and shook my head.

He nodded, "Excellent. Then, Miss Makee and Landon-" the better of two evils, "will go and speak with some of the local owners on this list, requesting for donated supplies while Luke and I will go scout the street for a good booth location."

Once we got the list from Mr.Nocella, Landon and I drove downtown. I pretend to check out my nails to ignore the burning glare to my side.


"The answer is no." I reverted to my cold-hearted bitchy attitude, which isn't difficult considering it's a part of me.

He tightens his grip on the wheel, "You don't even know what I'm going to ask."

I exhale, "I will not talk to Winnie to get back together with you."

He stops at a red light, "What? You're willing to let Winnie stay with that loser?"

I lowered my hand and glared at him, "That loser is my friend."

"Oh, please-" he continued driving, "You can drop the act with me, Makee."

I scoffed, "Act?"

"Yeah. The I'm a goody-two-shoes now act."

I rolled my eyes and gazed out the window pretending I did not hear what he said. This is what he wants, a response.

He parks in front of our first location, "Come on, Makee. You know I'm better for Winnie."

I flung the door open, not caring that his door hit a tree. "Doubtful." I grab my purse and scramble out of his car.

Landon chased after me, and we entered the store. Immediately, we were greeted by a worker. I threw on my dazzling smile and asked for the store owner. After some chit-chatting, the owner decided to donate some items to our booth, which I wholeheartedly thank him for. The faster people approve the donation, the quicker I can finish this and go home.

I click the door open and leap inside. Grabbing my phone, I search for our next address. Landon sat there and looked at me. "We make such good partners."

"Not interested," I said, searching for the address on the map.

I stop when Landon places a hand on my thigh. "Come on, Makee," he said, attempting to use his dashing looks on me.

"You move the hand, or I break a finger." I smiled, "Your choice."

He removes his hand, knowing I wasn't joking. This isn't the first time a guy made a pass on me ever since I returned back to high school. It happened more frequently than I like.

At that moment, I felt disgusted more with myself than Landon when I remembered how I accepted his pass. Landon and I fuck a few times while he was together with Winnie.

Winnie may be a bitch, but she's still a friend. No, the real bitch was me. A friend wouldn't do that to another friend.

"The next one is by the drive-through movie theater," I said, showing him the location.

Hoping from destination to destination, Landon was bothering me about Winnie. I felt a vein was about to pop, "Come on, Makee. You know I'm the only one who can handle Winnie's attitude. That geeky guy can't handle her."

I roll my eyes, pressing the finger farther in my head, grateful that we were finished for the day. "Ben seems to be handling her just fine."

"You know she should be with me. It's better for her."

"How is it better for her?" my voice was dulled, utterly uninterested in the conversation.

"She's a bitch," he said, and my eye twitches slightly. "Without me, no one will take her. That little geeky guy will crawl back into his shell soon enough."

I gave him a tight smile, "Then, why do you have to ask me for help? If Winnie can't live without you. She will eventually come back."

Landon began driving us there, "Hey. Mind asking me something?"

"Yes, I do mind," I stated, further pushing my cheek onto my fist.

"What's going on between Luke and you?" And he asked anyway. It's like people don't understand when you're not in the mood to talk.

"Nothing is going on between us," I responded, allowing my eyes to intake all the familiar scenery. I understand people are curious about what happened between Luke and me, but there's a point where it gets irritating how people continuously ask me.

"Makee-" Landon suddenly sounded serious, "everyone can see somethings up."

I turn my head towards him. "Is it so hard for people to accept the fact that I'm not crazy over Parker anymore? You know what? Let me answer all the questions roaming inside that pretty entitled swimmer head of yours." I circulate my hand in front of his face to express my irritation.

"Yes, I did have a crush on him for like three years. Yes, we fuck for like three years. Yes, I was crazy about him. No, we weren't in a relationship. We were straight out fuck buddies. No, I did not sleep with the male student population while I was fucking Parker, so don't even try to make any move on me unless you want to find yourself inside a ditch. Oh, and why did I suddenly change over summer? It's because I realized I was a psychotic self-centered asshole who didn't realize her true worth. My worth? Much more than what people are giving me."

He sat there, gaping at me like a helpless fish on land. A warning horn caught his attention, and he leapt his eyes forward then began motioning the car once more. "Wow. That's...wow."

Landon is the same as everyone, overly curious. They won't leave you alone until they get some answers, some clarifications.

"You want to know why I won't help you with Winnie?" He didn't respond; rather, stop in front of my house. "Earlier, what did you just do to me? You made a pass on me, that's what you did. Why did you make a pass on me? Most likely, it's probably because you think I was easy." I know you think that.

"You want a quick fuck; instead of working for it all because you're this good looking guy who had everything handed to him on a silver platter," I spat out, feeling more enraged with each ticking second. Whenever I see Landon, it's like looking at a piece of my past self.




"That entitled attitude of yours; won't get Winnie back. Why? Because you don't deserve her."

He scoffed, "You're defending that bitch?"

I open the door and grab my purse, getting ready to bolt back into my house. "News flash. I'm a bitch too." I smiled deviously, "It seems that bitches of the same feather fucking flocks together."


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