A Nohrian Genocide

Start from the beginning

Yet apparently, that wasn't the end of our reinforcements. Four more people then came running in. A mage, an outlaw, some pony rider, and a swordsman.

Odin:"Phew... We finally...caught up...with you... Why... Why would you...leave us behind?"

Niles:"Ha... Perhaps our liege is a fan of seeing us suffer? I can understand."

Peri:"Bah! You all are so slow! If I'd left a river of blood in my wake - like I normally do - you'd be swallowed by it!"

Laslow:"Thank you for not leaving a river of blood for us, Peri! You're the absolute best!"

"M-more reinforcements?" I then heard Leo sigh.

L:"It took the four of you long enough."

X:"Don't worry, Corrin - these late arrivals are retainers to myself and to Leo."

Niles:"That we are. Ready and eager to help, as ordered. I am Niles, a retainer to Lord Leo. The enemy looks to be quite angry. Don't worry - it will be my genuine pleasure to make them regret crossing you."

Odin:"And I...am Odin Dark! Loyal retainer of Lord Leo. I have cut through the darkness of space to serve my lord however he needs. My unmatched skill with magic will tear through the enemy's ranks! Nice to meet you!"

Laslow:"I'm Laslow. I'm one of Lord Xander's retainers. I know that our paths crossed once before, but I will fight by your side now. ...That's all. Please - it's a bit embarrassing to be stared at by everyone..."

Peri:"I'm Peri! P as in pierce, E as in eviscerate, R as in rupture, and I as in injure! Like Laslow here, I'm Lord Xander's retainer! I learned a new way to go about butchering the enemy - I can't wait to show it off!"

"Wow... Always good to get new allies."

X:"Make use of them as you see fit."

L:"Don't let us down now, Corrin. Not after we've brought so much help!"

"Thank you, Xander! Thank you, Leo!" But...despite all of these reinforcements... the enemy still has more numbers, and I've already spotted a few of our allies had fled from being too injuried to continue the fight.

I turned my attention back towards the fight, and more importantly, the three Generals now facing me, two with lances and the last with an axe. I drew Water's Edge and cut my hand on the blade, letting the blood run down towards the stone. I can feel the power awaken in the stone, all I need to do now is put my hand on it and I'm set. I think I may need to use this form after all.

The two Generals with the lances, swung their weapons at me. I was able to block one of their attacks, but the force from it made me stumble and I felt pain in my side as I was sent sliding a few inches. I flickered my claws for a moment before swinging the blade at one of the Generals who just blocked my blade with his shield. Then he slammed me with his shield to send me to the ground, that's when I heard something moving from the air and rolled. A moment later and that axe would of claimed my head.

I then quickly got to my feet, blade in hand still and grabbed the stone of the blade, and thus I felt my body changing before me. A sort of shape formed around me until I started to grow and my limbs change. Some grew while others disappeared and new ones formed in their place. In a few more moments and I shattered the thing containing me, and thus my form stood. I could now smell every single movement these Generals were making. I felt that a lot of people turn towards me, and I could hear even more approaching soldiers. More reinforcements...Nohrian...this isn't good.

I then turned back towards the Generals in front of me and then breathed out a wave of bubbles, and the second they hit them, they exploded, sending them flying...and I couldn't sense their hearts beating anymore. I turned towards the other Nohrians, seeing more and more of my allies flee. There was only a handful of us left now, we had a chance...but it's not a good one in the slightest. This...this isn't looking good at all.

A Levaithan's Vengence (Male Leviathan Reader x Female Fire Emblem Characters)Where stories live. Discover now