Chapter One

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It was March 12th, but still super cold out. You lived alone with your older sister. She left you alone most times.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?"
"Goat curry!" You exclaimed.
"Fine, (y/n)! But you're paying!" Your sister rolled her eyes and walked away.
She was almost 5'10,  skinny, and brunette.
Her eyes were a beautiful green. Her curls bounced perfectly around her angular face.
Her name was Winnie. You always admired her and wished to be as attractive as her.
You were basically the complete opposite.
IN MY CASE, the person is 5'6, brunette, and masculine. She is however a female. She has brown eyes, a huge chest, and straight hair. You can imagine the character to be you or anybody else.

"I'll go get the goat meat. Be back in ten!" You exclaimed  as you grabbed your wallet and headed out the door. Right before the door we're all of your precious moments... family pictures.

Your parents had died when you were just 9. Your sister took care of you since. The circumstances of their death are unknown, or so your sister says. She claims they were murdered and that nobody was ever caught nor charged.
These pictures made you feel a lovely warm feeling and sense of security. Some days you wish your parents were still around.

Would they be proud of who you were?
Would you be different right now?

Unfortunately, you'd never know.

There was snow on the ground when you stepped outside.
The snow was your favorite. It was beautiful, and the cold air made you feel like time was crawling. You wanted to enjoy things.
Colder weather was also perfect weather to snuggle up in.

You were in jeans, work boots, and a black jacket. You wrapped your scarf around to cover your mouth and cheeks.
Upon arriving at the corner store, you bought 2 pounds of goat meat and some seasonings you knew you were low in.

"How are you today my dear?" Exclaimed the local shop owner. Pete was hands down the kindest older gentlemen you'd ever meant. He dedicated his whole life to his tiny store, and served only the best of products. He was not money hungry, and would always give expired or tampered products away for free rather than wasting them. You had been coming here since a little girl so he was one of the only paternal figures you'd had.

"Great! How are you? We're making goat curry tonight!"
"I'm good! And that sounds delicious!" He smiled gently.
"I'll pack you some leftovers! See you later Pete!" Pete's eyes softened as you said this.

In a hurry, you scurried out of the store and into the cold.
A small flurry was beginning. You looked into the sky, hoping your parents were watching. Maybe they were even the reason for the late snow.

Once you got closer to your house, you heard a scream.   It sounded vaguely like your sister.
Trying your best not to panic, you began to run. The work boots came in handy as you tried your best not to slip or fall.

"GO AWAY!" This time, it was definitely your sister.
As you tripped through your door step, your eyes widened.
The creature in front of  you was absolutely horrifying.

It looked maybe nine feet tall and had no legs. It was black with a white mask that had dangerously sharp teeth. It's eyes glowed yellow.
"What the hell?!" You exclaimed while catching your breath.
"RUN!!!" Your sister screamed.
Instead, in a useless attempt, you threw the goat meat at the creature.
It just turned around and stared at you.
Next thing you knew, monster breath hit your face like a train as it let out a blood curdling scream.
You fell to your knees, weak and trembling.
How could you help?
Before you knew it, he picked up Winnie and held her in the air upside down.
"TASTY..." it screeched.
As your sister screamed, The creature slowly dangled her over his lips.
Something snapped in you.
"NO!" You screamed.
You lost control of yourself. You weren't even doing anything. Your body flung in the air as your sister watched in awe. You could feel an immense power flowing through your veins, but didn't understand what was going on.
Both hands in the air, you whispered "Tsunami".
Before you knew it, a red wave filled the entire room. To the ceiling.
Everything began to go black, and you lost control. You couldn't breath under the red liquid, so you just let the wave carry you.

Once everything was completely black, you felt serene.

Cold As Ice- Tōshirō POV with Lemons Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt