Chapter 1

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Clint groaned as he heard the beep beep beep of his alarm clock yelling at him to wake up. His old bed creaked as he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Shuffling towards his closet, he decided to wear a plain black jacket with a pair of jeans today. It was the first day of his junior year, but he didn't really have any impressions to make on anyone, so he decided on just a plain outfit. As he checked himself out in the dirty mirror in his room, he heard his phone buzzing on his dresser.

Natasha :) 

Hey Sleepyhead! Picking you up in half an hour so be ready or your ass is walking to school.

Clint chuckled at the message from his lifelong best friend as he slid his phone into his back pocket. Quietly, he tiptoed down the stairs and winced as one of them creaked. If Clint woke his father up before noon, he would be in big trouble. Clint set a pot of coffee on to brew as he searched the cabinets for something to eat for breakfast. He sighed when he realized that the only food-related items that they had were beer and frozen dinners. Ever since Clint's mom left, the only time he's had a real home cooked meal was when he went over to Natasha's house.

Pouring himself some coffee in a thermos, Clint picked up his old backpack and waited on the front porch for Natasha to show up. As he sipped the scalding hot drink in his hands, he heard the familiar creak of Natasha's truck pull up in front of his house. The redhead poked her head out the window and smiled as her clumsy friend bounced his way down the front stairs of his home.

          "Well, don't you look chipper this morning?" Natasha chuckled as she saw the grumpy man climb into her truck.

          "Shut it, Tasha." Clint smiled as he set his bag down in the floorboard of the semi-clean truck.

          "Did you get anything to eat this morning?" Natasha asked whilst swerving to avoid a mailbox. She'd only just recently gotten her license and was not the best at driving just yet.

          "Coffee." Clint took a sip out of his thermos.

          "I said eat. Here." Natasha reached into the glove box and tossed a granola bar onto Clint's lap.

Clint muttered a thank you as he tore into the granola bar. They followed the same routine just about every morning. When Natasha couldn't drive, she'd march to Clint's house every morning, armed with the same granola bar that she'd eventually convince the boy to eat. The two had walked to school together every morning since the third grade. They met when Natasha had beaten up a group of bullies calling Clint names and taking his snacks at snack time. Since that infamous day, the two have been inseparable.

          "Alright, hotshot, time for our annual first day of school routine!" Natasha smiled as she turned up the radio that was now blasting Highway to Hell by ACDC.

Clint groaned as the redhead threw up a rock and roll symbol and began to bob her head to the music.

          "My friends are gonna be there too! Come on Clint!"

          "I'm on the highway to hell!" The two sang as they laughed.

As they pulled up to the school, Clint took a deep breath. Ultron High was the only school in their little town and was packed with all the different cliques as always. Natasha waved at a few of her other friends and Clint slowly got out of the truck. Despite this being his third year at the school, Clint hadn't really made any friends besides Natasha. He chose to focus on his studies and his role in the band rather than dating or having a social life. As he swung his backpack on his shoulder and sulked towards the school, a rather athletic looking boy slammed into him, causing him to drop his thermos filled with his beloved coffee.

          "Hey, watch out! You didn't see me coming?" A boy with very light- almost white colored hair snapped at Clint in an accent that appeared to be Russian, but Clint wasn't sure.

          "Sorry," muttered Clint as he collected the now dented thermos from the ground.

          What a jerk Clint thought as he pushed through the crowd of acne ridden teenagers. Walking into the office, he gave the secretary a faint smile and asked for his schedule for the year. Nothing looked too out of the ordinary; a few AP classes, band, and gym. Clint groaned as he noticed that the dreaded class was his first period. Usually, people took gym their first year of high school, but Clint had put it off in favor of taking an art class with Natasha. Now, however, he'd be met with the class of his nightmares.

Clint wasn't exactly out of shape, but that didn't mean he enjoyed sweating and running for an hour a day. Hell, he couldn't even handle being at band camp in the summer without vomiting due to the sweltering sun. Clint took a glance around the gymnasium and sighed when he noticed that he didn't know anybody in the room.

Well, he did know someone. Standing in the center of the room was infamous bully Bruce Banner, known more commonly as "Hulk". He thought it would be cool to be nicknamed after famous wrestler Hulk Hogan due to the fact that he was on the wrestling team, but really, it wasn't that cool. Bruce also thought it was cool to bully Clint whenever he saw the scrawny boy.

          "Looks like we're about to have a fun gym class, Barton." Bruce snarled as he pushed Clint onto the cold wooden floor of the room. 


New story! Let me know your thoughts on it and any suggestions you want to see in the story!

<3 Katie

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