Thirty Three/Manning up

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I watch the man that Medina  loves walk down the street. Closing the door I turn and make my way back to the living room to sit down and contemplate things.

I now see why she loves him. Sure he gives out a threatening vibe but I don't blame him. I mean I am the husband of the woman that his in love with. I think If he didn't understood the situation properly he would definitely have felt threatened.

My looks don't seem to help the situation but I can't do anything about that now. Can I?

The fact that Medina is exceptionally beautiful with the exclusion of my Layla of outsiders something to talk about. When we walk down the street, quite a few heads turn. I suppose we do make an eye catching pair.

But Jake doesn't need to feel threatened at all. That man has a certain aura about him. He seems to dominate a room. Although we share the same height there is something in the way he carries himself. His confidence and physical appearance is hard to miss. I guess I can now finally see why He has taken over Medina’s heart.

Sighing I run my hands over my face messaging away the tension. I know that I have to get things moving and fast. I want to pave the way for Medina…. She so deserves this. Divorcing her will be the hardest thing for I’ve grown quite attached to her. My love for her maybe different than what I feel for Layla but it’s love nonetheless. 

Over the past four years we have become quite close to each other. She’s has become a part of me. Come to think of it I believe if I didn't have layla I would definitely see myself falling for her. What's not to love. She's beautiful,intelligent,funny etc..etc..the list can go on.

The fact that she's my best friend is something that I will always treasure.

My breathing hitches when I think of the full scale of what this divorce will entail. I mean not only will I lose all the things that are attached to  Medina as my wife,....coming home, the chats, netflix binges..yes we do love our netflix's binges...the cuddling.. I will also lose her as a friend .

I know it will be the end of an era for Islamically we can't continue with what we have. Once the divorce is final...My beautiful Medina will be off limits. I can never hold her, cuddle her,tease her or just chat with her like I used to. 

I sigh out loud and fight back the tears. Medina Abbassi will no longer be a part of my life anymore. I maybe not overly religious but darling Medina knows all about boundaries and she will never stray from her religion. Come on this is a woman who fell for a non believer and decided to get married just to avoid being with him.

Now if that's not dedecation I don't know what is. Good things come to those who waits, that phrase is so apt when it comes to Medina. She indeed has waited and the lord has rewarded her miraculously. Now she gets to unite with the only man she has ever  loved and I will do everything in my power for her to do so.

The is one massive hold back that I’m dreading but Medina has been my inspiration and motivation. I need to finally face my father. I need to man up so to speak and finally come clean about layla and my son Kadin. Enough is enough. I can't hide behind Medina anymore. There I’ve finally admitted it. I have been using Medina as a shield, sure she has been willing but it’s wrong nonetheless. 

The only way for her to move forward is for me to face my father. It’s going to be very difficult. My father is a very proud man. He's always been very stingy with his affections. Khalil and I would always compete for his affections when we were young, However when we found out that it was a lost cause we gave up. Mamma would console us in the fact that his father before him was just the same. I suppose we can't blame him.

That is why I have made it a point in my life to be affectionate with my Kadin.  I don't want him to grow up competing for my affections. I make it a point to be completely different than my own father. I love the fact that he can run up to me, throwing his arms around me and yap away about his day. I’ll never get tired of it and I feel ashamed that I keep him hidden away like a dirty little secret. Well I'm going to put a stop to that .  My father will have to face the truth whether he wants to or not.

I guess Jake walking back into Medina’s life is just what I needed. It’s a wakeup call and boy I'm going to heed it. Making my mind up I decide that I will head over there right now. 

Medina isn't going to be back for another week and I don't want her involved. She will want to come with me and I don't want  her to see the nasty side of my father it will only shatter her illusion of him. My father loves his daughter in laws. Sometimes I think if he would have been better of with daughters. Yep..the irony.

Decision made I grab my keys and head off. One way or the other my father is going to listen and finally take notice. My wife layla and my son Kadin will be coming out of the shadows and I’m looking forward to the day when we can finally be together.

A/N: Salam and hey guys

This is a short chapter but it's intentional.

Its a crucial part of the story so bare with me please.

Hope you enjoy and please don't forget to

vote/comment/or both. ;)

Lots of love

Shazk80 xxxx

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