Chapter Nineteen/Goodbye

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She is trying to back away but I quickly grab her arm. When she looks at me my body trembles. Damn.. she looks beautiful. Her hair is loose...her eyes are standing out with the makeup she has applied. The delicate earrings she's wearing dangle seductively and brush against her neck. I let my gaze travel over her body and with each lingering gaze my heart beats faster and faster.

She looks absolutely fucking Stunning. I swallow hard when I make my way back up. Fuck..what is she doing to me. When I look into those eyes of hers I know that whatever happens in my life...Medina Jahan will forever have a hold over my heart. I am hers forever whether she wants me or not. I can't help it. I said I was damned and I know that I'll always be. As long as I'm alive, she will be the only one for me.

''Jake..let me go.'' She is trying to escape my grasp. Damn..why does she fight it. Why does she have to run every time. Why doesn't she just accept it. Accept her feelings. I can see the change in her when I'm near. Her body always betrays her. Stubborn fool.

''Please let me go..What are you doing? Let go!!'' She whispers in a harsh voice

''God you know how beautiful you are''? I can't stop staring.

Her eyes widened and her breath hitches. Bingo..She can't deny that.

''Jake..let go. You shouldn't say such things to me?'' she cries out.

''I can't stop myself from Medina. You're all I've been thinking about.'' I reply hoarsely

I put my other hand around her and pull her close to me smelling her hair and losing myself in her scent. I don't know why the fuck I'm acting like this. I just want to hold her so bad. I've missed her so much. Staying away from her has been hell. I gave her what she wanted but I can't do it no more. I just breath in her scent ...her hair in my face.

It's only when I hear her body shaking that I realise that she is crying. Fuck..I quickly let her go but keep ahold of her hand. Then I look down at it and something sparkles back. What?? ...No!!

It takes me a moment to realise what I'm looking at ... I quickly let go of her hand as if Burnt and my heart shatters into a million pieces.

I look into her eyes and see that she is now hugging herself but the ring on her finger is taunting me. She is looking at me. Apology and regret showing in her beautiful eyes.

''When?'' One word but a lot of menace.

Her sobs grew louder but I don't care at this moment.

''Answer me..when ?..Medina.''My voice is sounding strange even to my ears.


''Today..Okay..I'm sorry..It was today.'' she cries out flinching.

I turn around and pull at my hair. I'm crying now and I don't give a shit. My heart is hurting so bad. Fuck..the pain is unbearable..

''I'm sorry Jake..Please try to understand that it w....''.

I turn around and grab her by the arms. I don't care that she is gasping from the pain, right now I just want to hurt her so bad. I want her to feel the pain that I'm feeling. I want her to feel that someone has ripped out her heart and trampled on it.

I back her up until she is pushes up against the shed. She is crying so loud now that I almost falter but I then look at her ring on her finger and my resolve strengthens.

''Jake..let me go..please..I'm sorry..I don't know what ....''

''Stop. just stop talking..nothing you can see will make this right..nothing''. I cry out loud.

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