Thirty Two/Jake and Qumar part 2

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I look across at the blue eyed man sitting across from me. Actually I've still haven't recovered from my initial surprise of him inviting me over for this talk. So here we are seated in his home that he shares with the woman that I love.

I look around the room we are sitting in and see her feminine touches here and there. It has a loving and cozy feel and I hate it. Only because she has created this home with this man sitting opposite me. A very good looking man who seems to be quite a decent guy and I hate that. yes..yes..I'm extremely jealous. Do you blame me?

"So Jake..It's good to see you again". Qumar breaks me away from my thoughts.

"Well Thanks for having me Qumar. Although I'm a bit skeptical on why you did invite me over". I'm fidget in my seat nervously.

Pull yourself together man.! He's just a regular guy. Who happens to be married to the woman of your dreams...... Not for long though..I hope.

My inner conscience is having a fucking field day.

"Look Jake. I don't want to beat around the bush...So I'm just going to get down to it"

"Okayyyy". I raise an eyebrow at his serious tone.

"I know everything Jake, and I mean everything. So tell me what are you going to do about this situation that we have found ourselves in."

The relief that washes over me is so friggin good. He has made things so much easier. I know the girls had him in on my so called plan, but him relaying everything to me verbally has taken a load of me. I can't help the smile that forms on my face.

"Well? Would do you suggest Qumar?".

Shit it feels fucking weird discussing Medina with her "husband". I have a feeling she won't be happy. There is no sign of her around and I'm aching to know where she has gone as I've also haven't seen her around school for the past few days. I miss her so bad.

"My suggestion is that I need to divorce her first and foremost..but it's easier said than done.". He looks upset as he says this. Which gets me thinking.

"Why"?. Do you have feelings for her.?.wait do you love her?.''My heart is picking up pace as I dread his answer.

"Yes. I do love her bu...".

"WHAT"!! I shoot out of the sofa. I look down at him in shock. No don't th...

"Calm down Jake..I was ...''

"Calm can you tell me to calm down when you've just revealed that you love Medina".

He's sitting down looking at me pace back and forth with a smile on his lips.

I swear if he is laughing at me I'm going to pop him one..I know Islam is a peaceful religion but I'm new to all this, surely Allah will forgive me.

You didn't let me finish jake. I love Medina and I will always love her...but only as a dear friend..although I'm going to miss her and everything to do with her especially her affection and hugs." Damn he looks really upset and I see tears in his crazy ass blue eyes.

I almost feel sorry for him but then I can picture him cuddling up to my Medina and jealousy rears it head again and I try not to.

"Well Medina is um..special. She has that effect on everybody." I try to lighten the mood.

"Oh she's special alright. '' he has a faraway look on his face.

I leave him with his thoughts. He knows that I love Medina..and he knows that she feels the same way . It's only inevitable that after what Kelly told me the other day that I am going to do whatever it takes to make her mine. Something that I have been dreaming about for a long time.

"Anyhow..I need to sit down and talk to Medina. She has a lot to take in and I want to take it slow..Can you do that for me Jake?. Take it slow".

Well no..I don't want to... but...

"Okay.. I'm willing to wait. I know It's not going to be easy for either of you especially when you have a little Kadin to think about aswell".

I see Qumar tense up when I mention his son's name.

"Kadin is very close to Medina. She's like a second mother to him. Medina and I will need to speak to him soon. I just want to ask one thing of you Jake and that is if Kadin can still be apart of Medina's life after she has separated from me." He finishes off softly.

"Qumar, I don't even have to think about that at all. Of course he can. I would never come between her and Kadin. I see the bond they share." I reply smiling , to which he sighs with relief.

We end up talking for a couple of hours. He tells me everything about I need to know about Medina over the years that I have been apart from her. I hate to admit it but I found myself liking the guy. It's very rare to come across a guy who took on Medina on knowing she could never commit to him fully. I suppose the fact that he was also in exactly the same position as her must have made it easier for both of them.

Soon it was time for me to go and I found myself reluctant as I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Qumar and his life with Medina. It felt that I was apart of her. I can never gain back the years we have missed , however knowing what she did during that period of time made me somehow content in the fact that at least she had someone as understanding as Qumar looking after her.

""Thanks again for inviting me over Qumar". I shake his hand.

"The pleasure was all mine Jake. I'll guess I will be seeing you around". He draws me in for a manly hug. God, no wonder the girls are head over heels. His such a frigging charming fucker.

With one final pat on my back as his so damn affectionate .....actually I'm beginning to think we have a lot of similar traits which is worrying as I don't want to be a victim of his charming personality..I turn and head down the stairs.

There's a spring in my step. My face broke out into a big ass grin. The future looks good and I'm closer to my goal.

In sha Allah, Medina Jahan will be mine.

Salam and hey guys.

Please enjoy another update.

I'm sorry for the delay as the weekends be really hectic for me

and plus I have on and off writers block.

Let me know what you think and pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

don't forget to vote or comment or both

any order, I don't

Lots of love to you all

Shazk80 xxxx

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