Chapter Twelve/ First move

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I woke up feeling something. I couldn't put my finger on it. Then I remembered last night at the window with Jake and my tummy gave a somersault. Sugar, Sugar Sugar.

My face heats it when I remember what I said to him. Why? Why did I have to say that. He would have figured it out and came up with his own conclusions and knowing him he will not let it lie.

Ahhh. Why did he have to come back? Why does he have to make me feel like this. I thought I had it under control. I thought that I was strong but I’m not. My stomach lurches at the thought of him next door. Laying in bed with just a wall between us.

Quickly getting up I get ready for the day ahead. It’s half term and Sarina and I have decided to spend a girls day out. We even have Kelly joining us but I don't think she will want to since Jake is home, maybe it's his last day before he goes back up north. I am happy at the thought. Yes going back will be better for both of us.

I quickly shower and wrap my long hair turban style in a towel. I settled on wearing a long maroon coloured skirt that reaches my ankles and a black shirt with flared sleeves. I love clothes. I don't believe in exposing yourself to look good. I rather be comfortable in what Im wearing than following the latest trends.

Mamma says confidnece is the key. She has always encouraged us in believing in ourselves. My confidence is nothing compared to Sarina’s. My little sister has more than enough for both of us. Mamma says she takes after our Auntie back home. Her confidence and her gift of the gab.

Making my way down I take of the towel so My hair dries naturally. Heading into the kitchen I see that Abu jan has left for work and It's just Mamma and Sarina who is busy munching and playing on her phone. She barely looks up at me so absorbed she is in her game.

‘’Sarina. What has Abu Jan said to you about using the phone whilst your eating at the table’’.

I tell her jokingly.

She pauses her game and looks at me.

‘’Medina, Do you see our beloved Abu Jan anywhere?’’ She asks me as if I’m a toddler and not her grown ass older sister.

‘’It’s  fine loohri. Your Father is not here. He is the the fuss pot’’. Mamma laughs quiety whilst putting a plate full of paratha and eggs in front of me to feed a horse.

Sarina watches me looking down at my plate with a smirk on her face.  The Little minx is up to something.

‘’Mamma. Medina was just saying last night that she was going to eat all her brekkie as she went to bed slightly hungry’’. She looks at Mamma innocently.

That litle shi…

‘’Well eat up Loohri. There’s plenty more. I wish I can fatten you up but your a lost cause’’. She looks me over disappointedly.

Once she turns her back to do the dishes I cast Sarina a dirty glare. I will get her back. That little witch. She in turns sticks her tongue out and motion for me to continue eating. Which I reluctantly do as I do not want Mamma to literally hand feed me for trust me that is exactly what she will do. She is always finding ways to beef me up.


After breakfast I tell Sarina to get ready whilst I nip out to the garden to brush my hair. It's going to be a scorcher. The weather is always unpredictable but summer is definitely here and the week looks very optimistic.

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