Chapter 2

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Phil could've sworn that he forgot how to breathe.

When he imagined a piano teacher, he pictured a strict, older woman with a scowl plastered on her face.

This was not what he saw before him.

The boy standing before him looked to be about Phil's age, so he couldn't have been older than 17, and well...he was gorgeous. His straight brown hair was swept to the side, across his face, very similar to Phil's, and his eyes were a deep shade of brown with small golden flecks. He was wearing a black t-shirt with matching black skinny jeans and black shoes.

He didn't exactly look like the type of guy to give piano lessons, and suddenly Phil felt extremely self-conscious about not straightening his hair that morning and attempted to fix his hair by smoothing his fringe out with his fingers.

He had had crushes before, he had even had a few boyfriends, but he had never felt like this before. His heart was racing so fast, he felt like it would explore. Meanwhile, his stomach was doing flips.

"Hi I'm Dan." He said, causing Phil to snap out of his trance.

"Umm...oh hi.....I'm Phil."

God why did he have to be so awkward, Phil thought to himself.

"Sorry..." Phil said quickly. "It's just I was expecting someone...well a lot-"

"Older?" Dan said, finishing his sentence.


"I'm a junior. I go to Stoneview, but I'm just trying to save up some money for uni."

Damn, Phil thought. Stoneview, why couldn't he go to Phil's school? Maybe if he had Dan, school would slightly less unbearable.

"Oh cool." Phil said.

"So...shall we begin." Dan said, motioning to the inside of the house.

"Oh of course! The piano is in the living room."

As Phil was leading Dan through the house, Dan added, "To be honest, I was expecting someone a bit-"

"Younger?" Phil said, mocking Dan's tone from earlier.

"Yeah," Dan agreed. "Although, I'm pretty glad that you're not some bratty six year old."

Phil smiled at the ground; he could feel his checks getting hot.

When they reached the living room Phil realized that the two of them would have to share the small wooden bench sitting in front of the grand piano.

"I can go get another chair, if you like?" Phil offered.

"Oh no, don't bother. I think it's big enough for two." Dan insisted.

It wasn't, but Phil didn't mind being that close to Dan.

Phil sat on the right side of the bench while Dan sat on the left. They were so close that Phil could smell his cologne. He smelt nice, like lemon, soap and burnt hair, but in the best way possible. Phil felt comfortable next to him.

"So..." Dan said. "Do you know how to read music? Because if you do, that will make my job a lot easier."

"Yeah." Phil replied. "We had to learn for choir in school."

"So you sing then?"

"God no, I'm a bloody awful singer." Phil responded quickly.

"Well I'm sure that's not true, but anyway, what kinds of music do you like?" Dan asked.

"Umm I have so many favorites but my favorite band is probably Muse, especially Origin of Symmetry."

"No way, I love that album!" Dan smiled, exposing extremely pronounced dimples on both of his cheeks. He looked so excited, like a child about to receive a new toy. It was adorable, he was adorable.

No, Phil thought to himself, Dan was perfect, there was no way that he'd ever go for a guy like him. Hell, Phil didn't even know if he'd go for a guy at all. He shook the thoughts off and tried to focus, although that was quite difficult considering Dan was the most perfect guy he had ever seen.

"You have really good music taste Phil." Phil felt butterflies when he heard Dan say his name. "I can bring by some sheet music next week if you like? "

"Sounds great!"

"Alright, let's get started!"

They spent the rest of the lesson going over which notes on the music matched to which notes on the keyboard and Phil began learning some scales. Normally he would have found something like this boring, however he couldn't be bored when he was sitting next to someone as gorgeous as Dan.

The hour flew by and when it was time for Dan to leave, he and Phil walked over to the front door.

"I had a really good time with you Phil. Hopefully we can start playing some real music together soon and it will be a lot more interesting. I'm sorry if I was boring you by the way." Dan said.

"No, it wasn't boring at all. I had a great time."

Dan smiled when he said that and Phil could feel his stomach turn inside out.

"Well, bye Phil, I'll see you next week." Dan waved and turned away to begin walking back to his car.

Just before he was gone, Phil felt a rush of confidence and called out,

"Dan!" He turned around to face Phil. "Would you to do something with me outside of piano?"

God why was he so nervous? Phil thought, oh right, because Dan was flawless.

"Sure." Dan replied cheerfully, "give me your phone."

Phil handed him his phone, and Dan punched in his number and handed back the phone. He waved goodbye to Phil and then he was gone, driving off in his beat up suv.

Even after he was gone, Phil could still picture him clear as day in his head. He remembered the way he smelled and the way he sounded. Just the thought of him made fireworks go off in Phil's stomach.

He couldn't wait to see Dan again.

A/N- SO YEAH, I really hope you guys liked that chapter, I probably spent too long on it, but who needs sleep anyways. Like I said before, this is my first fanfic so I really hope it's good (it's probably not) but it would really help me out if you would comment suggestions or anything you liked about it and I will try to update as much as possible. so I will see you then.

well not really seeeee you, but you know what I mean. ;)


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