"Of course. I've been making friends here. You know, the guard isn't quite as bad as you guys made them out to be," I said.

"Well, I know them primarily by reputation. I'm glad, though. You're being treated alright?"

"Like a queen."

"Rowan, you are queen."

I groaned. "Yeah, don't remind me. That's all the guard calls me! I had to plead with them not to."

"I guarantee they were just following the kings' orders. Don't give them too hard a time about it." There was a pause. "I woke Bella up talking. Can I call you back later?"

"Of course you can, Ed. Miss you guys. Tell Bella I said hello."

"Will do. Don't worry, you haven't heard the last of us. I'll talk to you later, Ro." He ended the call.

I rose to my feet, shoving my phone back into my pocket, feeling better after my talk with Edward. I pushed open the door, surprised that I wasn't met with Jane and Alec waiting patiently outside the door. The hallway was still empty. I shut the door softly, and as I wasn't particularly keen on facing Marcus again just yet, set off to find either Caius or Aro - whoever I stumbled upon first.

After ten minutes of wandering unfamiliar, empty corridors, I was forced to admit that I didn't know the castle as well as I'd like to believe. I cursed.

"Lost, I assume?" I whirled around at the unfamiliar voice, finding myself facing a dark-skinned vampire I hadn't seen before. His dreadlocks were pulled back in a bun and he wore an arrogant smirk.

"I- uh- yeah," I stammered, fear shooting through me. I knew now why my mates had me consistently with Jane and Alec. To prevent situations like this.

But to my surprise, he swept down into an exaggerated bow. "Then your savior is here, my queen. Santiago, at your service."

"Nice to meet you," I said, unsure whether I liked him or not. Unlike Demetri, who held himself with an air of quiet confidence, Santiago seemed to possess self-assurance that crossed into arrogance.

"Likewise. The guard is very curious about you, the girl who's mated to the kings," Santiago said, his walk much closer to a swagger as he lead me down the hall. "Speaking of, where are your constant shadows? I was under the impression that your set guard weren't to leave your side."

"That's none of your concern," I said stiffly.

He barked out a laugh. "I like your gall, kid. Considering you were wandering dangerously close to the dungeons, I should say it certainly is my concern, along with whoever failed so miserably at keeping a human under their protection."

I ignored the jab. "Fine. I don't feel like talking about it. Better?"

"I suppose. I can't exactly pry, can I? Don't want to lose my job - or my head - for making the queen uncomfortable," Santiago said with a smirk. He didn't look particularly worried about losing either.

"Right," I said slowly. "You're one of the guard, then?"

"Naturally. Felix's right hand, as a matter of fact. He's in charge of the management and execution of those found guilty under trial, and if he's absent then I'm in charge," he said pompously.

"Cool. I think."

"It is," Santiago said, leading me up a flight of steps that looked vaguely familiar. "What're you doing way down here, anyway? Wouldn't figure the kings would want you so close to the dungeons."

"I was trying to find my way back up from the training rooms," I said. "It's not my fault everything in this castle looks the same. For all I know I was going in circles."

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