Chapter 26

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Louis' Pov

"My family are coming today."

"I can't believe we're getting married."

"I can't either, are you sure you don't want your family here?"

"I've phoned Gem and told her and she's  gonna tell mother so father doesn't find out." 


Harry and I walked into the registry office closely followed by: My mum, Mark, Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe and Daisy. "Ah you must be Mister Tomlinson and Mister Styles."

"Yes, it's lovely to meet you Miss-"

"-Jones. Now is this your family?"

"Yes, My mum and Mark are going to be our witnesses." 

"Hello, I'm Jay and this is Mark."

"It's lovely to meet you both, if you would all like to follow me."

I took Harry's hand and we followed Miss Jones down endless corridors until we came to a small room. 

The ceremony went on but at last it came to a close. "I now pronounce you married, you may now kiss the groom." Harry and I kissed whilst my family cheered behind us. 

We held hands and walked outside for photos. "Mum don't post any of these online though in case Harry's dad sees."

"Don't worry baby I won't."

"Congrats you two."  Mark said as he pulled us both into a hug, "what are your plans now?"

"Well we though we could hire a caravan and go on another small holiday as a honeymoon before we go back and Harry has to face his dad."

"Sounds beautiful."

"I can't believe my baby boy is married."

"Mum you're being embarrassing."

"You better look after my boy well Harry."

"I will don't worry."

"Anyway, whose last name did you take?"

"Well we combined them and both became Harry and Louis Tomlinson-Styles."

"Well welcome to the family Harry."


We went back to the hotel got changed and then headed out to a restaurant for a meal to celebrate. "To Louis and Harry!"

"TO LOUIS AND HARRY!" We all clinked our glasses. 

I smiled at Harry across the table and he smiled back, I hadn't seen him look this happy and it warmed my heart. 

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