Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

Louis parked the car in a small car park around the back of some buildings. "Louis where are we?"

"Welcome to Oh crumbs."

"Are you going to elaborate?"

"It's that cafe I told you about now get out of the car and stay close." I climbed out the car and Louis quickly locked the car. "OI TOMMO!" Someone shouted across the car park causing Louis to stop in his tracks and me to walk into the back of him. "Shit, don't say anything let me talk." I big, tough guy walked over. "Chad." Louis said calmly. 

"I don't have time to be nice now we both know why i'm here."

"I'll get you you're money alright, i'm skint at the moment."

"Well that's not good enough." The guy's fist collided with Louis' nose, "I want my money by Monday." The guy stalked off and Louis was left stood there cupping his nose. 

"C'mon Harry." I followed Louis in through a back entrance to the cafe. "Niall do you have a clean cloth?" A blonde haired guy walked in carrying a blue cloth. 

"Shit Lou what happened?"


"You need to pay him off soon, I heard his "bodyguards" planning to attack your house if you don't pay up today."

"You can stay at my house tonight if you want?" I said stepping forward. The guy looked me up and down, "damn Lou where'd you find this one?" 

"I'm Harry, I'm about to own the company Louis' step-dad works for." 

"Damn you must be loaded, what school are you at?"

"I go to private school or my father pays for tutors to come to the house." 

"Shit mate anyway i'm Niall Lou and I go way back."

I held out my hand, "i'm Harry." 

"What do ya want anyway Lou?" 

"I need my wages and I was hoping Hannah could cover my shift."

"Lou you better ask her on a date afterwards, she really likes you."

"I don't play for that team." Louis chuckled. Niall looked nervously at me and I saw Louis' eyes flicker towards me. "I don't mind," I stated before showing a warm smile, "I'm bi sexual anyway." Niall let out a relieved sigh as did Louis. 

"Niall's the only one who knows i'm gay so please don't say anything."

"You're secret is safe with me." Niall walked out the room and soon returned carrying an envelope. "How's the nose?" Louis lowered the cloth and Niall peered closer. "Not broken and I think it's stopped bleeding."

"Great we can get off now Harry."

"Where you heading?" 

"I'm taking Harry to see a drag queen and then we're going clubbing."

"Count me in."

"You wanna come too?" 

"Yeah, i'll bring Ziam." 

"Whose Ziam?" 

"Our friends Zayn and Liam, we want them to get together so when you meet them tell them they'd make a cute couple."

"Where do you want me to meet ya?"

"Outside Lucky's?" 

"Alright, see ya later." Louis took the envelope and we waved goodbye to Niall before heading back to the car. 

Larry Stylinson- You're the one that I wantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora