Chapter 25

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Harry's Pov

A week passed and my father made sure to phone Louis' house every day to see if I was there. "Okay Mister Styles." Jay put the phone down and came back into the living room. "You two I think you should book yourself into a hotel and have a little holiday for a while."

"Why? And what about Lou?"

"Your father has said he is going to start visiting as he thinks we're lying to him and Lou is virtually better apart from a few bruises and cuts."

"Are you sure you'll be okay mum, we could just go and stay at my house?"

"Harry's father has said he's been there to check." 

"Oh alright I guess we should get packing."

Lou headed upstairs and I stayed behind. "I'm so sorry Jay, I can go back to camp if you want?"

"Don't be silly dear, we love having you here and it's not right to send your kid to camp to become straight, what does your mother say about it?"

"She didn't think it was a good idea, she doesn't mind me seeing Lou as she knows how happy he makes me, Gem is great too and we haven't told Robin, I don't think he will mind but he has a habit of letting things slip when we are at father's house."

"Well don't worry honey, we all love you. Have you told your mother you're okay?"

"Yeah I messaged her and she promised to not tell father."

"That's good it means they won't tell the police, you go and pack now dear whilst I get some money from the bank."

"Please don't Jay."


"Please let me pay, you've done too much for me already  and it's not like I don't have the money."

"Don't be ridiculous dear."

"Please Jay."

She winked at me before heading into the kitchen without promising anything. I climbed the stairs and joined Louis in packing. 


"Well it's been lovely seeing you Harry, we're going to miss you."

"Thank you Jay."

"Right Hazza come on." 

We got in Louis' car and set off, we were going to stay by the coast. It was a three hour drive but we soon arrived outside a hotel. Louis went to grab the suitcase from the boot. "Let me." I heaved the suitcase out and we headed inside. 

"Hello welcome to Hotel Garnier, how may I help you?"

"We have a room booked."

"Name please."


"Yes that's fine, you are in room 279. These are your key cards and food is served from six am to nine pm."

"That's great thank you." I took Louis' hand as we got into the lift. 

"What do you think father's going to be like when I go back?"

"I don't know but please don't mention me."

"Don't worry I won't."

The doors of the lift opened and we headed down the hallway until we found our room. I unlocked the door and we walked into a large room. "Shit this must of cost a fortune Hazza."

"It's not like I don't have the money."


"And Jay put some money towards it." I shut the door then flopped down on the bed next to Louis. 

"Lou this might sound stupid and I may have to pretend to hate you when we go back but I want to do this so you know I do love you."

"What are you rambling on about?"

I slipped one of my rings off my hand, "I know we're too young to get married and we haven't known each other long but I want to be with you forever, will you not marry me?" I asked.

"We're not to young Hazza, so I want to marry you." I slipped the ring onto Louis' hand. "We can wait if you want though?"

"No if you're happy, i'm happy."

"That's settled then, we'll do it before we go back."

"I love you Lou."

"I love you too Hazza." I connected our lips and we shared a kiss filled with nothing but love for each other.

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