Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

"Harry, your father is here."

I entered one of the living rooms and found my father sat in a chair opposite my mother and Robin. "Alright son are you ready to come to work with me?"

"Yeah i'm just going to fetch my blazer from Maggie." My father nodded his head and I quickly headed through the house towards the laundry room. "Maggie is my blazer ready?"

"Yes Master Harry it is right here." Maggie held it up whilst I slipped my arms into the sleeves."There you go, you look smashing."

"Thank you Maggie, I best get going father is waiting for me."

"Have fun." I gave a small nod then headed back to where my family were gathered.

"Oh Harry you look very handsome I can't wait for you to take over the company after your father."

"I can't wait either my best boy." Father said as he patted me on my shoulder. "Where's Gemma?I wanted to speak to her before we left."

"Oh i'm sorry Des she's at her friend's university all week but she will be back at the weekend, you are welcome to come around then."

"It's fine Anne i'll see her when I see her anyway lad we best get going." I followed father into the entrance hall. "Have a great day lad." Robin said giving me a quick hug. "I'm so proud of you Harry, i'll see you later."Mother kissed me on each cheek.

I climbed into my father's black BMW and we set off towards the big office building.

As we were driving through town people stopped and stared or pointed at my dad, our family were quite well known and half of the girls and boys, who lived by us, fancied me.

We pulled up at some traffic lights and the girl in the car next to us gave a small wave as she giggled behind her other hand. I put up the window and turned on the car radio.

We soon pulled into my father's reserved parking space at the offices. Father climbed out of the car and I followed. I waited for him to grab his case and lock the car before we headed into the building.

"Mister Styles we have a new client wanting to see you would you like me to send him up?"

"Yes thanks Grace." I followed my father through the crowd of busy workers and into the elevator. "Top floor please."

"Yes sir." The young, acne covered, teenager pressed the correct button and we started moving.

The doors opened and the teenager pulled open the grate, "have a good day sir." I nodded at the guy then followed father down endless corridors until we reached some big double doors.

"Here we are son, welcome to my office." He pushed open the doors and we walked inside the very bright and airy room. At the far side of the room sat a desk with an executive's chair tucked under it. The desk seemed to be covered in paperwork. Father took a seat and motioned to a lady sat behind a small desk to the side of him. "Harry this is Jenny Green, Jenny this is my son Harry. Harry will be taking over this place after me." Jenny stood up and walked over with her hand out. I shook it to be polite. "Hello Harry, it is lovely to meet you."

"It's lovely to meet you too."

Jenny then turned to my father who was sorting through his case. "Mister Styles i'm just going to head downstairs and pick up some paperwork from Nick Grimshaw is there anything you want me to get for you?"

"Can you take Harry with you?He can help you today and learn a few of the basics."

"Yes that's fine, do follow me Harry." I followed Jenny out of the large office and back down the corridor. "I hope you don't mind taking the stairs Harry but I just can't stand lifts."

"Don't worry it's fine." We reached some double doors which Jenny held open for me. "Thankyou." I said as I slipped through.

"It's not too far now, we only have to go down two flights of stairs." I followed Jenny down the stairs and we came out in a narrow hallway. "Nick's office is just down here on the right."

Jenny knocked on the door that read; Nicholas Grimshaw "Come in." Jenny pushed open the door and walked in and I stood in the doorway. "Ah Jenny are you here for the paperwork about those new models?"

"Yeah have they all been approved now?"

"I approved them all myself."

"Right we best get off we have a busy day ahead of us."

Nick stood up and extended his hand for me to shake, "I'm Nick are you new here?"

 "It's nice to meet you, i'm Harry." I released Nick's hand. "I'm only here for the day as i'm planning on taking over this place after my father."

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