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Ink let out a slightly animalistic growl as he landed swiftly on his feet, making a squeak noise as he slowly slid against the pure white floor of the void.
He wasn't entirely sure how much longer he could keep this up. Error was yet again trying to destroy another creation of his. Of course the first thing Ink did was
flick a portal of paint into the ground, before grabbing the darker toned skeleton and throwing him through it, following after him. After all, he didn't wanna fuck up
his creation more than Error had already done, right?

"I really don't understand why you continue to do this, Error. You should know I'm passionate about my work. If you believe I'm just going to sit around and let you
ruin everything," he smirked, snapping his fingers to summon pure black, pointed bones, all aiming at Error. "you have another thing coming, Glitchy."

And just like that, he fired his attack. Ink reached the red vial from his sash, drinking a small amount of it.
His eyelights were quick to change to different shapes, all shaded red to signify his anger.

Error almost immediately rose his right arm, a large amount of bones appearing from the ground, acting as a shield as Ink's bones richochet off it.
"You know damn well why I'm doing this, Ink. All of these abominations shouldn't even exist in the first place," he spat, panting from slight exhaustion.
"I'm doing what should've been done long ago. Erasing all of these crummy shitholes." And with that, Error summoned two glitchy Gaster Blasters, aiming them at Ink.
"Then again, it'd be easier to do that if I start off by killing the virus that's creating all the problems first, right? I'm tired of this. I'm tired of dealing with
YOU, Squid. I'm tired of fooling around with this garbage."

The artist narrowed his eyesockets. "Oh please. If anyone's a virus here, Error, it's **you**" he let out a forced laugh before continuing his statement. "You shun
creativity. You feed off people's misery as you destroy their loved ones. So tell me again please who's truly the virus."

"You're nothing but a manipulative, selfish, crazed, son of a bitch."

"Nobody would believe you."

"I know."

Error was reluctant, but snapped his fingers, and just like that, the unique Gaster Blaster's of his were gone. "I don't understand how everyone can be so stupid.
They really don't see it... You'd think people would raise some questions at the fact you have no genuine emotions. How you feel no empathy. You don't care about
these idiots' lives. You only create these monstrosities for amusement and because you're bored."

Ink raised a browbone. He went to speak, but nothing came out. No snarky comment, no comeback, no nothing.

The glitchy skeleton chuckled, a smirk planted on his face. "You can't even come up with anything to prove me wrong. You know it's true," he sighed, shoving his hands
into his jacket pockets. "I know I said I would get rid of you but..." Error rubbed the back of his skull. "I'm already bone tired. Sooo..." He hummed, summoning strings
before grabbing ahold of Ink and wrapping him in them thoroughly. "Here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna go take a nap, you're gonna stay and, heh, hang around.
Afterwards, I'll come back, finish the job, get rid of the rest of these anomalies, and bam. Everything's finished and I don't have to deal with this shit ever again!"
Error laughed, summoning a portal and stepping through, which teleported him to a different area of the void that Error furnished with a couch and mini-fridge full
of his favorite snacks and drinks. He yawned and grabbed a bag of chips before plopping onto the couch. And just like that, he was out.

{Tied in Knots}•Errorink•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora