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This story I put off for years due to lack of knowledge, experience, and simply just on how to go about this. After hours and hours of doing so I put together the first chapter. About, I want to say about 30 hours in total for this story but could be more. Writer block, brainstorming, piecing together. About that.

I am proud of this piece and now we end it on a mark. Here we go.



White lights came from above. This shiny silhouette of a figure came flying down. It was too bright so you couldn't see the color of his wings. He hovered as you squinted your eyes.

"Hello my son." He called.

"Who's there?" You asked.

"That is not important as to why I am here. My purpose of being in front of you at this moment is to talk about you."

"Am I dead?"

"It could be likely."

"Then what's the point?"

"Why would you think I am here?" He boomed.

"My apologies." The light dimmed though you still couldn't see the figure at all.

"Tell me my son. What do you desire? If you were to wakeup up right now what do you want?"

"The life I had."


"The new life rather. Yes I know things are different. I am well aware I will never be back to even look at Heaven's Gates. I may never again have the relationships I have had with certain people. But in this new life I can still do wonders and enjoy."

"How so?"

"I fell in love. I gave back to a church. Two things I can out whatever is left of my soul in. I always thought I'd die from grace, but just don't think it is my time left. I didn't come down to the world crashing into Earth to die. I have higher hopes."

"Are you sure this is your fate?"

"Well sir I don't know who you are but I will say this. I am going to serve my purpose. And continue onward. I may not have children and may be less fortunate than many. But for me the simplistic stuff is amazing. It's time, for me to do more."

The figure nodded. "Absolutely. For that I will grant you." He started to fade. The figure was gradually disappearing before your eyes. "Take great care. You have heart. Even some Angel's don't. Be well."

"My man. What's your name?"

"I've been called many things. I am not a man of power anymore. In fact, I'm not even alive. At this point time you aren't alive either at the moment. But you will be put back."

"I figured along the lines I was dead after all the questions. But really sir what's your name."

"Haha. My son, let's just call me, G. That fair?"

"Okay. Well G, thank you. I won't let you down."

"Till then-"



"Why did you create this? All of this? You just have had purpose."

"You see my son, with bad there would be no good. This world has clean water, fresh fruit, and other useful resources. While on the same world hold lead, uranium, and poison ivy. A relative of mine and I created all of this. Everything served a purpose. I just knew one day the energy of all three species of Angel, Fallen Angel, and Devil would come together. It was forbidden due to it falling it the wrong hands. I've seen this done nearly a dozen times. This is only the second in which I had seen fall in favor of good. Do your Lord proud. Farewell."

"I know you won't. Take care. And take better care of that lady. She needs it more than you think." You see him disappear. "Bye G." Thanks for watching over all of us.

The light turns into a darkness in comparison. You feel half of your torso an uncomfortable warmth and your head aches. "Ow." You panted.

"Baby!" Kuroka hugged you softly back into her chest. Stroking your hair and hoping you would come around.

"Hey Kuroka?" Taking a breath. This one is about to be a mouthful. "Hard to breath, with those."

"I can't simply just shrink them. You like them anyways."

"Not trying to bloody motorboat."

"And who got blood on my tits Baby?"

"(FN) glad you're okay." Said Azazel is relief.

"It's done now. We have won." Said Lord Micheal.

"Aye. Though, I think we have a lot of work tonight and tomorrow for our reports. Don't we gentlemen?" Added Sirzechs.

"Indeed we do." Chuckled Azazel. "But for now let's report to my church tomorrow evening at nine. We all have much to take care of. And we have to check on our allies. Deal?"

The three nodded. Finally the three were all once again getting close to good terms of each other. Not just tolerating but respecting one another and each other's feelings. This was a brutal night that included multiple death threats, almost a release on war, and some close to being killed.


The morning came. You open your eyes and have this migraine. "G? Kuroka? Anyone?" You blink a few times and see where you are. In Kuroka's bed patched up on the head shoulder, and chest.

"Hey Baby. You awake?" Kuroka walked in the room.

"Kitty?" You gaze and see two sets of ears in front of you. "Kitties?" Rubbing your eyes open once more. "Wait..." You see white ears and another girl who looks shorter and younger. "Kuroka is this?"

"What it do. I'm Koneko. Her sister."

"Kuroka you finally got your wish. I'll be damned. I'm sore as hell but do you have any idea how good I feel emotionally?"

"Thank you Baby. You gave me faith to be with my sister again. It was the one thing I wanted for all these years. I told her everything."

"And more I didn't need to know..." Koneko shook her head.

"Neko's have needs."

"Good. You flirt with your boyfriend as I'm going to grab myself some fried chicken." She walked out of the room. Not kidding either. Food over playing third wheel any day of the week.

Kuroka hugged you. "Glad you're better. You seem so shocked that everything is back and at it. Did something happen?"

You laugh and take her by the hands. Then lean her against the wall. "Kuroka my love. I say a very powerful man in the white light who saved me. He goes by the name G. We talked about how those three energies which he said were to revive me were used. Why he forbid it, and why I wanted to be back again."

"You know Azazel and Vali asked about you. After your vitals were stable you were out again. Been nearly twelve hours. So the triple healing worked out?"

"Yeah. He told me to take good care of you. And after Kyle and everything- You know what? Doesn't matter. You're here. I'm here. We're together. Your sister is back. Any idea on what it means from here?"

"You tell me." You tugged at the top of her kimono.

"Lovings, good times, and doing what we think is right. Because with everything at bay it just comes down to us. And this guy is nothing without you. Kitty." You give her a kiss.

"You're sweet." A kiss back. "Now let's see if you have energy." She pushed you over to the bed.

"Huh?" You gasped.

"We got twenty."

"And I got a naughty Kitty who's going to fall."

"Love you Dear."

"Love you too, Kitty Cat."


Well everyone after a hard few obstacles, in my opinion a hard character to build around, and a general direction my mission is complete.

I would like everyone's thoughts for future works. Thank you for everything. Love you all.


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