Ch 2 - Sides

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Nervous as all hell but here goes.



Azazel finished his cup of sake and put his glass down. Relaxed but very functional. "Well it kind of goes like this. You found out that I was on Earth right?"

"That's right."

"Well I will just say my portion first. Just like any of the three some of us fall in love. When you're an Angel it's much more complex. For me, I fell in love with a woman. I committed the sin of sex before marriage. It has gotten more lenient but yes I found myself where I am here. I worked a little bit as a chemistry teacher for a while and used my time conducting research on Sacred Gears."

"That's remarkable."

"So I started Grigori a Fallen Angel branch to give us our own set of objectives."

"Azazel I know not all our kind true to please Heaven as much as possible."

"(FN) you're on the money. Though some Fallen ones corrupt the church system as others try to kill Devils anyway they can."

"Kill, flirt, do what you desire." Kuroka leaned over in your direction and batted her lashes. Oh boy this was going to be an interesting one. Flirting was something new you were going to adjust to.

"So Azazel you have this group of Fallen Angels so what objectives do you have?"

Azazel sat back. "Keep the peace. I don't care what the Devils do as long as they don't step on us. That's the way I work at it. I mean no harm and the main Devil families in this city won't just attack us just because. Kind of like with police. You do any crime? Keep walking. Pay no mind. Angels do the same. Except Fallen Angels since can't go back to Heaven have leeway. Yet, mess with one Devil and they bring the House along. All it really works."

"Wow. Geez. Put it that way this is a culture shock." Quite an adjustment you have to make.

"Hey you girls got a spot for him to crash? Can't just have him drift all over. He'll be like me. Don't recommend it."

"I think-" Raynare tried to say something.

"I got you a bed." Said Kuroka.


"Mine or the guest room. Your choice. Nyaaa."

"I'll take the solo if you don't mind..." Blushing madly.

"Awww. Suit yourself."

Holy hell...

(Hey she can't read out thoughts. Friggin A right. Score.)

"Why thank you for housing out new member. Now before I forget what is Vali up to?" Asked Azazel.

"He is just flying alone and doing his thing. All it is. Not that it matters now. He's fine. And I'm busy now."

"Define busy." Pondered Raynare.

"I need to smack- I mean make the sheets so he can sleep. Then go from there. He's probably little horn- TIRED is all. Anything else I can get you nee guy? Tea? Ds? D cup or coffee? Decaf D cup of-"

"Right." Raynare shook her head.

"Welp." Azazel went to pour himself another. "With all this talk about hooters I'm going to need me another drink."

"Men trying to get their pole greased." Raynare sighed.

"Hey. I'm not that." You plead your case.

"So Kuroka he'll be staying in the complex with you before we find him arrangements?" Azazel was confirming.

"It's been a while since I had some company."


It was nice to have a nice warm shower and grab yourself some extra clothes and supplies tomorrow. For now it was nice to just ease into everything. While in a towel you sit on the bed and just think. This is bizarre how my new reality is. I don't know what to think of it. I mean I do miss the otherside but no sense dwelling. I'm here and I have my allies. And I won't be off to kill any of those. Just patrolling and performing certain tasks at hand.

A knock at the door. "All good?"


"Okay." She opened the door.

"Hey!" She was just going to barge in? The heck?

Kuroka had just gotten out of the shower herself. "I wanted to ask you if you could dry my ears for me."

"Wait, those-"

"You can feel them. Long as you're gentle." She sat down next to you and leaned her head towards your lap. "Go ahead."

You feel the fur on top of her head as she smiled and purred. Kuroka enjoyed every second of it. "Meow." Resting now up against as your heart races. You two are both in towels and you never had this kind of experience with a woman being an Angel for so long. "You okay there Purity?"

"Fine, fine. Why?"

"Well if I had to guess." She held onto your shoulders and ran her tongue alongside your cheek. "You sure taste like a virgin. You have no rules now. Only towels in between us."

"I know I'm a Fallen now but, I would rather date first."

You were frozen stiff. Her nipples were hard as she hugged you. "Well a Nekomata. Cats flirt. They choose partners quick. And it's that time of year."

"Wait a minute. Hmmm..." Think this for a moment. Time. "April?"

"So dense. Well night Purity." She playfully pushed you back on the mattress and wiggled her tail she turned to the door. "See you in the morning."



Kuroka a little forward or is there more to it? She is very hard to read. Almost as confusing as Nova. And that's saying something.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


Banishment (Kuroka X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz