Ch 13 - Frolick

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Time to play Edgy. Let's do this.



Lord Kyle was thrown off guard. Surely he was prepared now. Aggression was his motives. He is a maniac with coordination and outside that just hyperactive rage. This should really toll on him. But when? When does this man slip or mess up? With never seeing him fight and you a little rusty this could go either way. Likely Lord Kyle but that can't happen.

He clashed into your light longsword. The attempt is to push you over. He's strong but with the blade holding up it's unlikely. Leaning back and going with a chopping blow. A duck right and waiting to see where to next. It was uneasy not swinging at first. Though it was a smart call.

"You are dead you coward." He boomed trying to swing haymakers with light. You had to backup and still wait for the opening. "What's the matter bitch boy? I'm not fighting your cat slut."

That did it. You headbutt his nose and he gets back. "Shut up."

"Go ahead." He hits your sword again and it felt stronger still. "You can cream in that dumpster all you want."  How rude. What disrespect.

"Like you can do better."

"Really?" He jumped back. "Hey you." Talking to Kuroka. "He knows I was first right?"

"Stop it." She turned around in shame.

"What's going on?" Strength is starting to become lost. Arms shaking. Losing hope and thinking there is a chance that this is all a lie.

"Oh poor guy. She didn't tell you." Lord Kyle grinned. "You know you two probably bathed together right?" You blushed. "Oh and she has done anything you want?" He cackled. "I got news for you. I broke her in. She was my bitch."

You gasped. That poor woman.

He ditched the spear and punched you sqaure in the face. "And I got bored."

You dick. Time to punch back. You clocked his nose again. This time is burst. Blood gushed then you uppercut him with the other hand. An attempt to go for your light sword was blocked. "Dammit!" Lord Kyle recovered much too quickly.

"A real challenge attempt now?" He smirked. "Think you'll live long enough?"

"Shine my shoes." Another headbutt. Same spot as the other two nose blows. Target the weak point. It caused you to get blood in your hair but it could be worse. It's not yours and outside the bruised ego no injuries. Knock on wood of course.

"So, if you fail what's she going to do? Find a third? Another scum from above so he can take his frustrations out on her?" He kept trying to dig. His mouth was more annoying than anything. This was just getting too much.

Time to think. "Shut it!" You cried. The clashes started. Just going swing for swing to see if one could continue blocking. Naturally this wasn't going to work. It was just too much. Wait. If the long style takes too long to swing I can shorten it. I might only have one shot.

"Face it you pussy. You're dirt." He swung left and you had to reach out to your right to guard. Then he front-kicked the side of your ribs just under the underarm area. It sent you down since your body and center were way off balance. "And this where I'd finish you off and shower before I get some. Except the girl I really want is stubborn and mad. The reds. Got it kid?"

This is when you realized that you had a chance. When this monster was being so preoccupied and arrogant that if finally left an opening. Something with just the small gap in time to crave him wide open. One shot. Instead of spear or longsword this light was short and carved. A light dagger to tear in. Junping up to his exposed back then thrusting downward. "Done!" Then jump back before stabbing forward with a light longsword only to miss as he blocked it with his right ulnar.

"Got me." But doesn't change anything. Nothing. Ace!" Lord Kyle looked over at the shattered windows.  Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels vs Lord Kyle's goons. The three for one side was heavily outnumbered. "So Lucy and Mikey what do we got?"

"Should I take care of them or you want them?" Asked Lord Micheal to Sirzechs.

"I take left and you take the right? The man had a mighty right hand." Sirzechs pointed over.

"Why thank you Lucifer." Both of them casted up a big ball of magic and looked at each other with a nod. Then released everything to the windows. Just a reminder, we don't play around sir." Lord Micheal stepped over towards Lord Kyle.

"No..." Lord Kyle was stumped. His people eliminated. An utter failure. Dozens more outside waiting to strike as he found himself all alone. Nothing near close. He would have to wiggle out of this one real fast.

As he is down you get back up and kick him as hard as you possibly good in his teeth. "Now clam it." It hurt but so worth it. A little limp over and time to give him a peace of your mind. "Do what's best and call it all off."

"Meh." Lord Kyle lifted up his opposite arm and stabbed the front of your left shoulder.

"Ow!" No. Not here. Not like this. You fall back flat with a thud as Kuroka runs after you.

"I told you this is my way." Lord Kyle panted. "Worst case some take over. Others won't but I have too many insiders right Axel? Zoro?" Lord Micheal and Sirzechs stayed put. Two holy swords were at their necks. "As I said before, this, isn't over. Nor will it be."


How bad is the wound?

How are those leaders getting out?

And what is the other trick up the sleeve?

Something doesn't add up. Wrong?


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