Ch 11 - The (Edge)Lord

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You all might have a laugh at this. A romance, some comedy, and how about a fight and some more comedy?



Lord Micheal and Azazel were speechless. The figure out front removed his hood. A black tribal face tattoo that covered his whole left side. A spear of right in a red thunder color as he smirked. These two knew who this was. 

"Lord Kyle." Gasped Azazel.

(Please anyone named Kyle forgive me.)

"Yes that's quite right." Then he laughed. "Nah seriously." His tone changed. "That's right baby it's me. Because of the bullshit and contradiction of itself."

"Lord Kyle. What is the meaning of this?" Asked Lord Micheal.

"Haha. Oh Mikey. Ya shittin' me right? C'mon man. Really?" Lord Kyle grinned.

You were surprised. "Lord Kyle Barebush?"

"Ya-ya-ya I shave down there. Whores love it. Moving on." Lord Kyle cleared his throat. "So I'm here on business. So riddle me this. What the hell do you think you're doing Mikey?"

The Angel leader was in outrage. "That's no way to address people."

"Mikey. I'm a regular. You banished me those years ago and now I do what I want. And I lead my people. Some of them are yours. Some are some of his. And some are Lucy's (Lucifer') over here. Heck I got humans that are into this shit. Ya looking at the Lord Of Khaos bae-by." 

"I read about you. You got banished for similar circumstances as I." You said trying to understand this whole thing. 

"Ey you. With the Kitty broad I wanna nail. You're (FN) (LN) aren't you. Ha. Mikey got rid of you too? Shit. What did I tell ya? We ain't perfect. We don't talk perfect, act perfect, and if you aren't dense as a harem protagonist being up to the ears in babeage you would understand. Whores have been around since the bible. And whatever the bible before that. All three branches suck. So I made a new one." He threw his spear of light into the table. "Now. What's it going to be? Treaty?"

Azazel looked over at Sirzechs. Then over to Lord Micheal. "Not on my ship." All three of them stand up. "You want to make all three of us go to war again?" 

"Oh Zaz. You're good. Though I fought for you too ya know. Another reason Mikey is a pain in the ass. Here is my offer. Me and you against the Angels. If we win we get back into Heaven. If not attack the Devils. What's it going to be?" Lord Kyle laid down a serious offer. Was it worth war potentially twice? Doubtful. Azazel was smarter than that. He wouldn't take such a risk and that aside he wasn't for attack he found unnecessary. 

"I'm flattered you and I both got banished for reasons that could have been swept under. Same as (FN). But it's a no." He winked at Lord Kyle. "As Governor General I limit conflict. Your terrorist organization says otherwise. You wanna go back to Heaven after your cult damages a cross inside of a church? Spare me."

"Jesus Christ. I was making a point." Lord Kyle tried to defend himself yet he clearly had no leg to stand on. 

"Leave that man out of it." Ordered Lord Micheal.

"Mikey. Chillax. So, this is the way you want to do it?"

Sirzechs stood up. "You threatened two sides and then a church, asked for a treaty, and while we are here debating what to do you're ignorance shows up to throw a weapon in the table and threaten the school?"

This angered you too. Kuroka hugged around your neck. "Shhhh. Not worth it."

"Let me go. I'm fine." You loosened up.

"Baby." She sorrowed feeling your pain. Knowing you had a feel for Kyle to an extent.

"Yes?" You look behind you.

She licked your cheek. "I love you. Be careful. Please."

"Okay then."

"Ey! I don't flirt with the whores in public. Tried that. Not into it. Just me maybe. But for real what are we going here? We striking or we going war on all?" Asked Lord Kyle.

"We-" Sirzechs threw a large fireball. Lord Kyle happened to just get a read and have him miss. "Are on!" Snapped Sirzechs. "Bring out those traitors. Bring out those people. You are trying to cause war and the three of us are not having it."

Lord Kyle smirked. "As you wish." He snapped his fingers.

Two blasts of magic blew into the side of the school. Dust and rubble filled the air as Lord Kyle has flew away. Then a barrage of attacks came. Some fireballs, some Earth rocks, a few bolts of lightning, and a few spears of light. Everyone had hit the deck. This was real now. Lord Kyle wasn't fooling around. He had the support. It was attacking everyone. This was supposed to be a business meeting and it turns out a handful of all three sides were under attack. With a small amount of allies they only had everyone in the room. Lord Micheal has two Angels, Sirzechs had his sister and her Queen, and Azazel had you, Vali, and the Nekomata cuddling to you.

Lord Kyle you son of a whore look what you are doing. Yes we are not perfect. But even a corrupt Angel would never blow up a school or intentionally damage a church. You're not a Fallen Angel. Nor a Devil. You are an insane monster that needs to be killed. Only then will you know where your true place lies. I better learn how to fight fast.


Lord Kyle is playing dirty and you haven't fought too much yet. Time to learn buddy.

Let me know what you think. Love you all.


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