Ch 3 - Get-Up

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🎶'Cause Jesus drives a Harley
The Devil wears Prada
If God was one of us, he'd probably drink vodka.🎶


Sike. Nah. Not going there. But just remember no one is perfect. That's a whole gimmick.



(Oi! Dakota. You're doing well. As your mentor I know this is a challenge I issued but I'm proud. Don't lose your confidence. It's what I tell my apprentices. Works a lot. I know that because due to some events in my personal life I'm losing it. Somehow able to write. I'm grateful.)

You woke up slowly the next morning. A little dim. First time waking up as a Fallen Angel and also first time on Earth as a none mortal. You don't remember those times since they are a blur however the morning was quite peaceful. To boot you also had unexpected company.


"Huh?" You look towards the door. "Who's there?" Letting out a yawn.

You found out from a lick across the face. "Hello there." Kuroka had her body hovering over you as she crawled.

Not the chest. You try to look at anywhere but there. Her face was above you and couldn't stretch your neck that far without moving your body so you looked lower. Okay. Not working. Also hot.

"Where are you looking?" She put her hand in front of her pelvis which slightly pulled her gown down. "It's pink if you're curious. How'd you sleep? How's your morning?"

"Okay. Just, trying not-"

"You could simply just ask ya know. I give permission Purity."

"Huh? That's the name you're giving me?"

"Fitting. Mu-ah." She blew a kiss.

"Wow. No Manticore or something like that? Purity. I sound a water filter."

"Or coffee filter."

"What the heck?"

"White panty filter. Dark roast and cream. Chocolate donut to boot. Breakfast that keeps the hips thick."

"I'm being careful with that. Though I don't spell that with two C's at the best."

"Oh but it's the best." She grinds on your pelvis. "Oh Baby you are more of a man than you realize."

You try to resist but she grabbed your wrists. "Hey."

"You didn't have any thought of the woman in the room next to you? Cuddles and sleeping together? Kissing and leaving love bites?"

You start to think. Was more then just flirting. Seemed more then just general interest. "It, mating season."

"Oo-lala. We have, a winner." She licked up your neck.

"Nekomata's having mating season and I just happened to come down with banishment. Though," You blush. "You are very-"

"Yes?" She put her hand through your hair. "Pick a word and I have some for you."

"Uhhhh-" Cute is not it. Sexy? Very sexy.

"Uhhh is not an answer Baby."

"Sexy?" Crap!

"Oh you think so?" Kissing your neck.

"Yes." You shut your eyes.

"Do you remember the last time you had a kiss?" What a strange question to ask. Though a serious one.

"I haven't. I don't remember of all my years created. Why?"

Oh you are not good with woman at all. Teasing makes you completely melt. My touches make you so nervous and then waking up you up. Suppose cuddles are out. "Do you want one?"

"Want a kiss?"

"A kiss? My kittens? Anything. All comes at a price."

"Prostitution? Fornicating? What the hell?"

"No Baby. Emotions, favors, and that stuff."

You pushed to the side. "How could you have affection for a guy like me at first glance."

"Rawr. Spicy too. How about it? You went rogue for a good reason. It had purpose with it." She wiggled over to cuddle on your chest. "You know, I've done some questionable things to save my sister and she don't know it."

Her sister like this? I would pass out and burst blood from my mouth, ears, and nose. Shit. "She like you?"

"Haven't spoken to her in years. But I know what she looks like. Short thing. White fur, no," She squeezed her breasts together. "Assets so to speak, and is a Devil now. Kept my distance."

"So what happened?"

"Well we have no parents now. I joined the Fallen Angels and in return protected my sister. She probably thinks I abandoned her and most likely she hates me. Living in a box in an alley. I say to myself I did okay but I know I didn't."


"Baby it hurts."

"I couldn't imagine. I'm an only child. When are you going to reach out to her? I mean can you?"

"With her ungodly strength that's a challenge in itself. But it would be hard just to talk to her. I kept tabs and peeped an occasional eye but nothing more."

"I'll help if I'm allowed. Just don't want to step on any toes."

"Baby how about we see how it goes and maybe that kiss." She kicked a leg over you and sat in your lap. "Paradise."

"Baby? Paradise?" You gazed. "Kuroka?"

"I'll get dressed and we'll head to the bakery." She kissed your forehead. "See you soon."

I know the Angel's up there aren't pleased with me. Not sure if it's God but perhaps fate. This woman. She scares me quite frankly. But she means well. I'll see where this goes.


Well AdrenalNightmare you're up. Meanwhile I got a skate sesh going. Latas Apprentice.

Hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and you guys are the best and make this happen. Any comments, critique, or questions are welcome. Love you all.


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