Ch 9 - False Claims

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This arc in the begining may be confusing to others. Any questions please ask.



It was still hard adjusting to a plain bed for one to a bigger bed with a naked Nekomata next to you bundled up. Yet, this was relaxing. In the mornings that is. When Kuroka is awake it can be flustering. Espeically when she is needy. Mornings are the best when you sleep in, gradually wake up, and start the day on your time. Though lately either duties or her needs have been in the way. 

Rather than the "Baby I need you" this was a state of calm. Smiling up at the ceiling as she was still out and holding on. < Hehe. Kitties are rather cute when sleeping. Or left by themselves. Though... > Trying not to look down her cleavage. < How do I not look? That's impossible. > Then the feelings of what she said last night start to kick in. This image of you being the forceful one as she is having her back against the wall is playing this scene.

< Baby say forward this morning. >

< Yeah and you're going to like it! >

< Maybe I should call you Daddy instead. >

You shook your head. "Not gonna happen." A yawn and lay back down.

"What's not happening Baby?" She giggled and squeezed your arm. 

"Just a dream. Just, feeling a little foggy. No matter." A sigh of relief and you close your eyes.

"Oh?" Kuroka climbed on top and pinned down your shoulders. "Everything okay?" She leaned ever so slowly down and forward. Getting closer to your face as you blush. Forehead to forehead. "You don't seem abnormally warm. Not burning up in a sense."

"This is too hot." You mumbled.

"Not used to my beauty yet?" She smirked as she headed back up. 

"My view right now is long black hair, glowing eyes, pearl skin, and hoo- I mean boobs."

"You can say hooters. It's fine. Hehe."

"Well least I don't get smacked for that."

"Spankings is playing. Slaps are for being a dick."

"No weapons right?" Might as well ask since it is being brought up.

"Nah. My hand works just fine. Hands work a lot of things. Myself and you."

"I'm getting dressed." You throw the covers over. Can't give in every time or you're going to be worn out and your energy and stamina depleted. 

She shivered. "Cold."

"You have ears and a tail. Cats get cold easily?"

"No. You're just warm. I guess I'll just wash up quickly, smell pretty, and put on my kimono."

"Please do."


Azazel was at the coffee shop outside waiting. This time he was different. As you and Kuroka sat down you knew right he was off. So far he had been laid back and had a few laughs. A look in his eyes told a different story. One that was ready to take action and something had seriously gone wrong.

"Everything okay?" You ask.

"Well kid unlike these donuts I won't sugarcoat it." Well at least he made a sweet reference to say he isn't overly pissed off. "A Devil attacked the church last night. I talked to Vali. He hasn't heard of any of our guys doing anything to cause this. That leaves you two. Be honest. Level with me. You two do anything stupid last night?"

You look at Kuroka and got a firm glare. Letting her do this one. "I spoke to my sister. I wanted to talk. That was it. It was close to dark."

"I was in the tub when it happened. I was annoyed." Azazel took a sip.

"So you put on your robe and ran out to see what was going on?" Asking if that's how it goes.

"No I came out doing the helicopter. Obviously I came with a towel." He boomed.


"So you think because I went to say hello and talk to Shirone that they just attacked us?" Kuroka did come clean was good. Lies would get us nowhere. This left a question still in the air. Would Devils attack you? Would Rias her sister's Master give the order for a hit or assault?

"Truly I'm having second thoughts myself. Gremory wouldn't give the order in my opinion. Though is Sirzechs hands on in this matter? I'm not sure why he would step forward and do such a thing." Azazel puzzled and puzzled. He was right. None of this all seemed to add up. It just left more possibilities and this just made everyone's head just spin.

"I think anything can happen. But things are at peace. Why attack? We need to confirm and eventually settle things." You were on the right track. Would be unwise; scratch that, completely stupid to charge at the Devils.

"Correct. I'm going to go back to my office and get Vali. Then I will bring the three of you with me when I am ready to discuss this predicament. I am not trying to have the Fallen Angels go to war. As well as not have our church attacked. We can all find a way to get along here.

"I agree." You nod.

"I for one think Koneko would walk away and shake off the incident. I didn't threaten. Nor did I lead her on. I can't see Rias or her House attacking us. But why would Angels attack a church? No Fallen Angel would destroy their own territory. This is all wrong." Kuroka was starting to get furious. Especially if she accidentally started this conflict.

"I'll be off now." Azazel got up.

"Till then." You wave and take a breath before eyeing Kuroka. She needs a good hug and some food. "Well Sexy I guess it's breakfast and we wait."

"I guess."

"Though I agree. I think it's off. Can I ask you something. It's crazy so forgive me in advance." Hesitant but who else to tell?

"Anything Baby." Ears to attention.

"I think it's a fourth party."

She was confused. "Huh? Wow?"

"I don't know. But no Angel or Fallen Angel would damage a church with malice intent. The Devils aren't aggressive. So why do I feel like this is from something else?"

Her eyes flinched. "Wow... Baby, for some reason, I think you're right."


How? Who? Why?


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