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Forced Ties Chapter 12 : Foggy

"You think it'll be fine if I'm gone for that long?"
"Yea, I mean, you've been out many times before. A week or two won't hurt us," Namjoon says before leaving Taehyung's office. Taehyung bit his lips nervously as he stared at his laptop screen.
"He'll like it," Taehyung nods to himself.

When he got home, Jimin surprised him with new clothes. Taehyung suddenly grabs Jimin and pushed him against the wall, leaving kisses all over his neck.
"Tsk, Taehyung," Jimin giggles, and gently pushes Taehyung away. "Is everything going well at work?"
"Yea, why?" Taehyung asks before burying his face in Jimin's neck again.
"Well, you've been coming home like this for awhile now, kind of unusual." Jimin's hands rested on Taehyung's shoulders. He thought maybe the guy's just stressed out or something. Even after telling him, Taehyung was still showering him with kisses.
"Hmm, I just love you a lot baby," Taehyung muffled, finally stopping, or so Jimin thought.

Taehyung lifted Jimin up, and brought him over to the bed. He gently placed Jimin down, then took off his blazer. Jimin stared up at him as he unbuckled his belt, and undid the buttons on his shirt. Taehyung climbed on top of Jimin, and snuck his hands underneath the knitted sweatshirt, playing with the small buds. He sucked on Jimin's bottom lip, giving it a slight tug. Before he could do anything more though, his phone rang.
"Aren't you going to pick up?" Jimin asks when Taehyung continues to suck on his neck. Taehyung sighed and got off the bed.

"Hello? — Yea, that's fine. — No I'm not busy. — Mhm, I'll see you then." Taehyung threw his phone on nightstand, and returned to Jimin.
"Who was it?"
"Just Kook, I'm meeting the guys tomorrow," Taehyung answers as he undresses Jimin.
"Oh," Jimin mouthed before Taehyung pulled the comforter over them.


"Hey," Jungkook says and raises his hand. Taehyung nods and smiles as he makes his way through the crowd. Sitting at the table was Jungkook, and Yoongi.
"This is Namjoon, a friend," Taehyung introduces Namjoon to the two. They exchange handshakes before settling in and ordering drinks.

It's been quite awhile since Taehyung's gone clubbing. He sipped on the club soda he ordered as he looked around. The flashing lights, and loud music brought back memories, good and bad ones.
"You sure you don't want something harder?" Yoongi joked.
"Nah, I promised Jimin I won't drink tonight," Taehyung admits shyly.
"Alright, suit yourself," Yoongi says and chugs the rest of his drink.
"Oh then Tae, you'll be our designated driver," Jungkook shouts and heads off onto the dance floor with Yoongi. Namjoon takes another shot from Jungkook's unfinished glass and rushes after them, leaving Taehyung alone. With nothing better to do, he calls Jimin.

"Hello?" Jimin answers.
"Hey babe, the guys left me so, here I am," Taehyung chuckled.
"Oh wow, so I'm just here for when you have nothing to do."
"No no no baby! I miss you! That's why I called!"
Jimin was laughing at Taehyung's reaction.
"I'm just teasing you. Anyways, you should enjoy yourself tonight!" Jimin giggles.
"Yea, but I'm a married man. Don't want other people to think I'm single."

They continue to talk for who knows how long. Jimin's phone was dying, and so he hung up. Taehyung looked up, and still saw no sign of his friends. It's been almost three hours, have they been dancing for that long? Taehyung walks through the crowd, hoping to see at least one of the guys. Luckily, he did.
"Namjoon, have you seen-" Taehyung stops himself from approaching the guy. Amongst the dancing bodies, were Namjoon and Sora. They were kissing and grabbing each other everywhere. He turned and ran before either one of them could spot him. Taehyung didn't worry if they recognized him or not, since both seemed to be big drinkers.

He ran to the bathroom, splashing water on his face. There was nothing for Taehyung to do here. All he wanted at the moment, was something to keep him busy. And so Taehyung continued to splash cold water on his face, again and again. His eyelids were becoming heavy, he was losing his balance. Taehyung stopped, and stared at his reflection for a minute, then he walked out.

Now walking by the bar, he kept his eyes out for the other two. They weren't in the crowd. "Maybe with girls?" Taehyung mumbled, making his way to the back of the night club. There were girls, lots, some with guys, some just dancing, but no Yoongi or Jungkook. Taehyung was pretty exhausted by now, he spent a couple hours here doing nothing. He is the designated driver, so with nowhere else to go, Taehyung returns to their empty table. His eyes were closing, and his body was falling over, but he would jolt back awake. It went on like that for just a couple minutes before Yoongi and Jungkook showed up.

"Hey Tae," Jungkook said, followed by a small burp. "Let's go."
"Where's Namjoon?"
"He's heading home with someone else tonight," Jungkook answers and turns, starting to walk towards the door, however stumbling here and there. Taehyung was considering running over to help the poor boy, but he himself could barely keep his eyes open.
"I got you," Yoongi says and catches Jungkook. He allowed the guy to hold onto him as they make their way out and to the car. Taehyung yawned, and rubbed his face. He drunk some water from an old water bottle lying in the car before starting the engine.

When they reached Jungkook's place, both guys were already dead asleep in the back. Taehyung attempted to wake Jungkook up first. He called out Jungkook's name a couple of times, and shook him. Instead of Jungkook waking up, Yoongi did. "I got it," Yoongi mumbles and shoos Taehyung away. He lifted Jungkook's arm, and threw it around his shoulders. "I'm just gonna sleep here."
"Are you sure?" Taehyung wasn't even sure if Yoongi got Jungkook's approval to spend the night. Yoongi nodded though, and was already making his way to the door. Taehyung waited until the front door closed, then he went home.

"Jimin?" He called when he got to their bedroom. Taehyung spotted a lump underneath the covers, and hugged it. Jimin hummed, and threw his arm over Taehyung, still half asleep. Taehyung rolled to his side, and pulled Jimin closer. He threw both arm and leg over Jimin before dozing off to sleep.

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