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whew here we go, I got a looot of writing to do to get this baby up to season three, but at least its distracting me from my summer classes so thats good- tip to all you high schoolers out there, take classes from your community college instead of ap classes. Ap is literally a waste of time!

(also *in very small letters* for my other hop book some folks have asked for 0.0' smut scenes, I am very awkwardly writing one for smoke, but do you guys want one for this book? let me know so I can prepare myself mentally lol)

This chapter is fluffy before it gets intense. So enjoy :)

not edited


Jim and Allie arrived at the police station and both hurried into his office where Jim started calling around and Allie started looking through files.

She was sitting with her legs folded beneath her and she was flipping through old lawsuit files that the station had received within the past twenty years. She muttered to herself as she squinted at the paper and suddenly remembered that she had left her glasses in her classroom, at least she thought she left them there. Honestly, she had no idea where they were. "damn," she muttered again as she brought the paper she was trying to read close to her face.

"What's wrong?" Jim asked from above her, his boots were propped up on his desk and one arm was behind his neck, he looked relaxed considering the circumstances they were in.

"I can't read shit without my glasses," she told her through squinted eyes.

Jim laughed, hard, he was holding his stomach he was laughing so hard. Which was honestly really confusing for Allie because she couldn't understand why her not being able to read was so funny to him.

"What's so funny?" she said, her voice a little bitter as she rose to her feet and put her hands on her hips.

"Nothing, sorry, nothing," Jim said with raised hands and then opened a drawer by his desk, "don't ask me why but I have a drawer full of glasses from the inmates we bring in. Yes, it's weird, but they lose glasses too."

"Why do you keep them?" Allie asked with furrowed eyebrows, a little weirded out, "that's really weird."

"Didn't I just say not to ask?" he said with raised eyebrows and then answered her, "Flo makes me keep them in case they come back for them," Jim said and pinched her hip causing her to yelp.

"Geez, someone is frisky today," Allie said as she tried on a pair of horn-rimmed glasses that were definitely not her prescription, thankfully. She grabbed another pair, they were red and square. She hummed, she could see out of these perfectly. "what do you think?" she asked Jim with a shy smile.

"Have you considered being a librarian instead of a teacher?" he asked, his voice dropped a few octaves.

Allie rolled her eyes, "you're ridiculous," she said and flicked him on the ear before returning to her files.

Jim laughed, but his light mood suddenly changed when his phone rang. He quickly picked it up and took a drag on his cigarette. After a couple of moments he hung up the phone and stood up, "I got a hit, let's go," he said, his tone serious.

Allie nodded and stood up and quickly followed him to his cruiser. She got in and held onto the armrest as Jim quickly reversed and floored it Joyce's house. "Oh, I didn't mean to take these," she said as she went to take off her glasses.

"How about you keep those on for a while longer," Jim said and glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, a smirk growing on his lips.

Allie rolled her eyes at him.

Mockingbird -- Jim HopperOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz