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Not edited! So Allie's plot is not fully going to be with one character like Nat (who was with the Byers) I'm thinking that Allie's plot will mirror hops, but also become her own, so it will add some more twists and stuff. I'm considering doing this so it's just not the same dialogue from the show!

Not edited!


Allie gulped and pulled her fist out of Hopper's grasp, her cheeks flushing again. She glanced back at the school once more before looking back at Hopper. His eyebrows were furrowed with worry and confusion.

"Allie, what happened?" he asked, his voice firm, but soft.

She shook her head, "It's fine, can you just take me home?"

Hopper opened his mouth to ask her another question, but decided against it, "Yeah, sure. What happened to your car?"

"It got towed, I guess I parked in the wrong spot or something," she grumbled as the car started again.

Hopper swallowed thickly, his cheeks heating a little bit. He called the tow truck because her car was parked in front of a fire hydrant, but there was no way in hell that he was going to tell her that. Instead, he turned the car and started driving towards the local neighborhood. "Where should I turn?"

"Turn down Cherry and it's the last house on the culdesac," She said quietly.

The ride to her house was silent, the only sound was coming from the wind beating against the car as they drove. Hopper turned on his blinker and turned onto Cherry road. He spotted the white house at the end of the culdesac and parked once he reached it.

Allie mumbled a thanks to Hopper before swiftly leaving his cruiser and taking quick strides to the front door. Thankfully, it was unlocked and she slipped inside and shut the door behind her. Once inside, she immediately dropped her shoes and sprinted to Ted's office, where he was writing something on a notepad.

"Lovely afternoon today," he said monotonously.

"Mmhmm," Allie agreed unconsciously as she rifled through his stuff for a pen and piece of paper. She smiled to herself when she found what she was looking for and then almost sprinted out of the office and into her room. She immediately sat down at her desk and started to draw what she saw in her room. The pen scraped loudly on the clean paper as she rapidly drew the thing, it's clawed hand, and weird head poking through the wall. When she was done, she sat back in her chair with pant, her caramel eyes taking in the picture before her.

She knew she wasn't crazy, she knew that she saw this thing in her classroom, and she was going to figure out what the hell it was.

"Dinner's ready!" Karen's bleed through the walls.

Allie snapped out of her trance and realized she was still in her dress. She quickly stripped out of the navy dress and threw on an old crewneck sweater and a pair of worn jeans that were beginning to tear at the knees. Finally, she decided to put on a pair of fuzzy red socks since Ted literally kept it freezing in her house, so the floors were practically ice.

She walked out of the room and sat down at the dinner table with Ted, Karen, Holly, and Nancy. Allie pushed around her meatloaf with her fork as she looked for her nephew. "Hey, where's mike?"

Ted rolled his eyes, "One second," he cleared his throat, "Mike! Get down here!"

"Coming!" Mike yelled in an annoyed tone, and then they heard the pounding of feet and then Mike jogged into the room and sat next to Allie.

Karen smiled, "Now, we can eat. I spent all day preparing this meatloaf, so I hope it's good."

Allie returned her smile, "I'm sure it will be great, Kar."

The table fell into an uncomfortable silence as they all ate. Eyes were shifting back and forth, feet nervously tapping against the tile floor. Holly dropped her fork, which caused Allie to let out a yelp and then cover it up with a breathy laugh. Then, Nancy spoke up.

"So, the school is holding a rally for Will tonight, and Barb and I were going to go. Is that okay?" Nancy asked nicely, her lips barely pulled up into a smile.

Karen shook her head, "No way, it's not safe."

"But mom, everyone is going! It would be weird if I didn't show up!" Nancy argued.

Karen looked at Ted who shrugged and continued to eat, she then looked to Allie who raised an eyebrow.

"Don't look at me, you're her mom, but if it were me, I'd just say yes," she said honestly.

Karen nodded, "Okay, you can go, but be back no later than ten okay?"

Nancy's eyes shone brightly as she nodded, "Of course! Thank you!"

Karen then looked to her youngest who was glowering at Nancy, "Are you and your friends going, Mike?"

Mike's eyes widened, "No! No way."

Allie gave her sister a look, saying to drop it. So, Karen went back to eating her dinner and so did the rest of the family. Once everyone put their dishes up, both kids raced to their rooms. Ted retired to the lazy boy and instantly fell asleep. and Karen started doing the dishes.

"Hey, Kar, I think I'm going to go to the store and get some sweets, you know for Mike. It always put me in a good mood when I was down," Allie said while leaning up against the kitchen counter.

Karen cooed, "Oh that would be so sweet of you, Al. You know, I think Mike and Nancy really look up to you. Especially Nancy, I think she sees you as a sister rather than an aunt."

Allie smiled, "Well I'm only nine years older than her, I could be her sister," she said with a laugh.

Karen let out a snort of laughter, "Yeah you really could be!"

Allie grinned widely, "well I was an accident after all," she admitted.

"Oh, so you finally accepted that you were an accident rather than a 'happy mistake' as you call it?" Karen retorted.

Allie shrugged, "I guess so," she paused to go grab her car keys, but then remembered her car was towed today, "damn, hey do you mind if I borrow your car? Mine got towed today."

Karen nodded, "Of course!"

Allie thanked her sister in law and grabbed the car keys from the bowl and started heading to the front door. She stopped and looked at the stairs for a brief second, and then bounded up them towards Mike's room. "Hey, Mike? Can I come in really quick?"

She heard some shuffling and a sniffle, "Uh yeah!"

Allie opened the door to see Mike poorly hiding his backpack behind him, "C'mon dude, you don't have to fake around me. I'm not gonna tell your mom," she told him while rolling her eyes.

Mike blushed and stepped away from his backpack, "I know, but I just had to be safe."

"Understood," she nodded and then shut the door behind her, "You be careful out there okay? Remember Mirkwood is full of tricky things that made the company get all lost for days, right?" she reminded him, referring back to The Hobbit.

Mike smiled, "Don't worry, we will be prepared," he quickly turned around and dug around in his backpack and then pulled out a walkie, "here, so you can keep in touch with me, I know you're going out too."

Allie took the walkie, "You know me so well, Mike," she smiled and then looked at him sternly, "Tell me if something happens okay? Really, Mike, we don't know what happened to Will, and I don't want anything happening to you."

Mike looked at her thoughtfully, "I know, I promise to tell you if something happens while we're in Mirkwood."


k now im gonna update my Billy fic, whew lottss of writing...... I lovee it!!!

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