2. D & D

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I'm so glad that everyone is on board with this book! So excited to see where it goes! It also starts out during season 1!

Not edited


Allie thankfully made it back to her sister in law's house just as the sun dipped down over the horizon. She was currently sitting on the couch in the den reading How to Kill a Mockingbird. Her lips barely moved as she read in her head, trying to not grow bored of the book. Honestly, she would rather have her students read The Outsiders, but apparently, that didn't follow the lesson plan of teaching the kids about 'coming of age'.

"Hey Al, can you go get Mike and the boys? It's almost nine and it's a school night!" Karen called from the kitchen.

Allie looked up from her book and nodded, "Yeah, sure," she placed the book down on the small couch and stood with a stretch. She made her way to the basement and descended the stairs carefully since she was wearing a pair of fuzzy socks, and she didn't want to slip. "Hey, guys the boss told me it's time for everyone to leave."

The boys around the table groaned in unison before all starting to complain at once. Mike, her nephew, turned around in his seat, "But Aunt Allie, we haven't even finished the campaign!"

Allie sighed, "Okay, fine one more turn and then we gotta put it up for the night."

The boys cheered and Mike began reading, "Something is coming. Something hungry for blood. A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness. It is almost here."

Dustin ran his hands through his curls, "What is it? What if it's the Demogorgon?"

Lucas rolled his eyes, "It's not the Demogorgon."

Allie held back a chuckle and smiled at Will who gave her a sheepish grin before returning his attention back to Mike.

Mike hunkered down in his seat, his dark eyes sweeping over his friends, "An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" he yelled.

"Troglodytes?" Dustin groaned.

Lucas smirked at lightly punched him in the arm, "Told ya!"

Mike shook his head, "wait a minute?" he paused, which caused the boys to rise in their seats in alarm, "Did you hear that? That that sound? Boom, Boom, Boom! That didn't come from the troglodytes. No, that That came from something else. The Demogorgon!" Mike screamed as he slammed down the figurine on the table.

Dustin flew up from his chair, his arms flailing in the air, "We're in deep shit!" he shouted in panic.

Mike pointed at Will, "Will, your action!" he demanded.

Will panicked, his eyes shifting around the board wildly, "I don't know!"

"Fireball him!" Lucas shouted.

Will shook his head, "I'd have to roll a 13 or higher!" he countered.

"Too risky, cast a protection spell!" Dustin argued.

Lucas rolled his eyes, "Don't be a pussy, fireball him!"

"Cast protection!" Dustin yelled at the same time as Lucas.

Mike stood from his seat, "The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering, it stomps towards you...Boom!"

Lucas stood up, "Fireball!"

Dustin paced around the table, "Cast protection!"

Mike's chanting got louder and louder, till Will threw the dice on the table, "Fireball!" he screamed. The group of boys watched the dice roll off the table and on to the floor.

Mockingbird -- Jim HopperWhere stories live. Discover now