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I thought this chap was gonna be the really fluffy one, but alas it didn't work out buttt there is fluff is at the end of the chap, but it'll heat up the more in the coming chapters! Sorry for such a long hiatus! I'm taking summer classes and trying to keep a 4.0 GPA lol. I'll be down with them soon though!

Also, hecka sad ST3 is coming next summer, that's a whole year away :( I'm sure it's gonna be boppin though

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After walking through the forest in silence, they had finally reached Hopper's car. Allie put some bandaids on her cuts that she found in his glovebox. Jim rummaged around in his trunk and managed to find a pair of old bolt cutters.

"You ready?" His deep voice soft as he approached her.

She nodded, "yeah, let's get some dirt on these sons of bitches."

Hopper cracked a small smile at her words as they trudged through the forest. Dead leaves crunching under their boots. Allie pushed down the hems of her dress as a cold gust of wind swept through the barren forest causing her cheeks to burn. Hopper grumbled as he pushed sharp branches out of his way.

The fence soon loomed before them and Hopper swiftly cut the wire and pulled open the flap for Allie to rush through, and he followed close behind. His grip was tight on his gun as they approached the building.

"How are we going to get in?" Allie whispered while pulling her wind-blown hair away from her face.

"I have my ways," Hopper mumbled, his eyes fixed on a group of soldiers approaching a side entrance. He glanced down at Allie and grabbed her upper arm, pulling her to the side of the building.

"Cocky tonight, aren't we?" Allie sassed quietly, causing him to roll his eyes at her.

Hopper watched the soldiers approach the door and he started to move them closer in, knowing that he could slip in just in time. His gaze shifted down to Allie. She was sort of a walking disaster for him to put it nicely. She was clumsy, nervous, and hot-headed all at once, which could definitely get them in some trouble, especially here. He looked back up at the group of soldiers wondering why he agreed to do this with her again.

Allie watched Hopper think, his nose scrunching as he mulled over his thoughts about who knows what. She was about to whisper something again when he promptly tugged on her arm, almost dragging her behind him as they rushed towards the door. Hopper grabbed the handle just in time and both of them slipped into Hawkins Lab unnoticed.

Allie swallowed down a smart-ass remark about his tactics to get them into the lab, but she remembered that he didn't even have to agree to come with her. He could have left her in the woods to get caught.

"Stay close," Hopper told her, his grip still tight around her upper arm.

"It's not like I'm going anywhere," she muttered under her breath while glancing at his hand still wrapped around her arm.

"What was that?" Hopper asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing," she responded with a small smile.

He scoffed and they started walking down the halls until they reached the yellow biohazard plastic cover that blocked a hallway.

"I bet whatever is behind there is what we're looking for," Allie whispered and took a step closer to the plastic.

Hopper looked around quickly before unzipping the plastic cover and stepping through, Allie right on his heels. They both were on high alert as they quickly walked through the hall, the lights somewhat flickering above them. The sound of chattering voices caused them to halt and Hopper quickly pulled them around a corner, one of his arms pushing her against the wall.

Mockingbird -- Jim HopperWhere stories live. Discover now