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Whoa okay comparing my two hop books, this one is going to be hecka long like whoa. My other one already had hop and the OC sort of together haha at chapter twelve.

Ahh, a fun chapie that will throw a monkey wrench in Allie's and Hop's relationship. Man, I feel bad for putting Allie in all these awkward situations lol

only warning is cussing, which I always like to do cause it adds so much lol, Also Allie being drunk as a skunk.

not edited


A week had gone by since Will's death, Allie found herself at a bar with some teachers she worked with. They were going to do a quick toast to Will and go, but she had other plans. Her life seemed to be falling apart. Mike had secluded himself away from her and was being very secretive, especially about El. Whenever she would approach him he would literally run away, which Allie thought was childish, but he was a tween, after all, that's expected, but it still hurt her. After Nancy confessed her concerns about Barb she had been trying to figure everything out on her own. Allie tried to help, but Nancy kept pushing her away, insisting that she works better by herself. On top of it all, Nancy was talking to the police today about Barbs disappearance. Furthermore, Karen and Ted have their head in the clouds about everything, they have no idea whats going on with their children or Allie.

Well, Allie wasn't doing so good. Ever since Will's death, she had been plagued with nightmares about that thing in her wall. Every night it was the same, it's hand reach out to grab her and she was pulled back into a dark void. Then it would change to the night of Benny's death except it wasn't Benny that got shot, it was her. She would watch her shirt start to get soaked with her own blood and she would fall down to the ground with a cry. Then she would wake up in a cold sweat with tears streaming down her cheeks. She supposed the only good thing that happened was Hopper decided she was not a criminal after all. He had called her in earlier that week to tell her that she was no longer a suspect in Benny's murder since her alibi did, in fact, check out. Although, Hopper did tell her that he was still going to watch her.

Jim Hopper.

His name swirled around in her mind as she downed a tequila shot at the bar. What an ass. He was going to watch her? Like she was going to go on a murderous rampage. She gripped the shot glass tighter the more she thought of him.

"Whoa, Allie!" Scott Clarke, her co-worker and Mike's science teacher spoke from next to her, "we still have to go to parent-teacher night in an hour!"

Allie looked Scott dead in the eyes and down another shot, already feeling pretty buzzed, "I don't care Scott, my nephew's friend and my student just passed away, and I'm not a murderer."

Scott furrowed his eyebrows, "what in the world? A murderer? Are you already drunk, oh gosh."

Allie shook her head, "No, just a little buzzed. A couple of these should do it though," she said and grabbed two other shots from the counter.

Scott placed his hand lightly on her wrist, "Please, this is not smart. I know you're hurting, but you can't get drunk."

Allie downed both shots quickly, wincing at the bitter taste, "what are you going to do? Call the police?"

About fifteen minutes later when the alcohol had fully hit her, she was slumped against the wall with a goofy smile on her face as Scott tried to get her attention.

"You know what Scotty? I once got so drunk at a college party, I fell asleep standing up!" she laughed and then hiccuped, her head rolling to the side, "oh shit! It's only six and I'm drunk."

Scott sighed, "Yes, you are. Look parent-teacher night is in twenty minutes and you can't go like this, and we can't miss it," Scott began starting to look guilty, "and we can't leave you alone like this, so-"

Mockingbird -- Jim HopperWhere stories live. Discover now