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some funny stuff a little bit of hop looking for too long, pretty innocent stuff. sorry for not updating in so long, super busy with summer classes!!!!!! :DDDD (( D:))

Thanks for all the support friends, I really enjoy reading the comments lol, some of you guys are really funny :p

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Allie laid her head down on the armrest and gazed up at Hopper, her vision sort of blurry, "I can't believe you slept with the librarian," she snickered as she watched him drive.

Hopper glanced down at her and then back at the road, "That's none of your business."

Allie let out a snort and sat up causing her to fell against the window laughing, "It's warm in here," she whined and started to tug at the straps of her dress.

"No, no, don't do that!" Hopper frantically tried to reach out a hand to stop her but she just pushed herself further away from him.

"Stop trying to stop me," she said and weakly tried to push his hand away, and continued to struggle to slip her arm out from the strap.

"Dammit Allie, you can't take your dress off!" Hopper snapped at her, still trying to grab her arm which made him swerve the car.

"Get off!" She growled and shoved his hand away, and finally slipping her arm out from under the strap.

"Oh my gosh," Hopper rolled his eyes and fixed them on the road, "You better have that strap back over your shoulder by the time I park this car."

Allie hazily looked out the window and saw that the station was practically right in front of them. Shooting a heated glare in his direction, she decided to slip off the other strap causing her dress to pool at her hips. He wasn't in control of her, she could do whatever she wanted last time she checked.

Hopper parked the car, still looking forward, "Are you," he cleared his throat, "decent?"

"Obviously," Allie snapped, even though she definitely wasn't.

Hopper turned to face her and then quickly turned away, "Put it back on," he said through gritted teeth.

"No," she shook her head, making her even dizzier.

Just then Callahan knocked on Hopper's window, "Hey Chief-" he paused his eyes widening when he saw Allie, "what's going on here?"

Hopper opened the door and stepped out shutting the door behind him with a slam, "What?"

Callahan gulped, "Um, you know what? It's not important, I can see you're busy."

Hopper pinched the bridge of his nose, "Fine, and don't breathe a word about this to anyone, okay? She's drunk, and when she comes around I'm sure she will not appreciate it if you go blabbing about it to the entire department."

Callahan nodded, "Of course, sir," and briskly walked away, occasionally glancing back at the car.

Allie leaned forward and laid her cheek on the dashboard, her arms dangling down in front of her as she watched Hopper walk back around to her side of the car. He opened her door, still not looking at her.

"Why are we at the station?" she slurred, looking up at him with lidded eyes.

"I didn't think your sister would appreciate you coming home like this," he answered, "now will you please put your dress back on?"

Allie finally gave in and started to try and tug the straps back over her shoulders, but it wouldn't work, "It won't fit," she whined.

Hopper inhaled sharply, he couldn't believe this was happening, "Does it have a zipper?" he asked still looking away.

Mockingbird -- Jim HopperWhere stories live. Discover now