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Short chap, getting into good stuff and a veryyy fluffy scene next chapter! ANDD ending with fluff this chapter ;)))


as usual lots of bad words cause I like them :P


Allie tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she watched Hopper pull out Will's body. She shivered at the sight of the corpse, "Maybe we shouldn't do this," she whispered feeling the familiar feeling of anxiety bubbling up inside her chest.

Hopper gave her a sideways glance and pulled out his pocket knife, "We're already too deep into this, there's no going back now," he said darkly and plunged the knife into Will's abdomen, pulling upwards.

Allie shut her eyes tightly not wanting to see anything, but instead, she heard Hopper cuss and slam his hands down on the metal table, "what?" she asked, her eyes still closed.

"Those bastards," Hopper growled, "It's a fake body."

Allie removed her hands from her eyes and gasped, "holy shit, who would do this?" her voice shook as she looked at the fake body, stuffing falling out of the abdomen.

"Hawkins Lab," Hopper grumbled, "They already tried to cover up Will's disappearance when I went there the other day. Also, you pointed it out all the disgusting experiments they did in the newspaper."

Allie ran a hand through her hair feeling her anxiety start to evolve from bubbles to crashing waves of fear, "This is too much," her breath was shallow as she placed her palms on her forehead, "I just wanted to find something to get you off my back, all that stuff was speculation, I never knew it was real," she mostly told herself but then the monster in the wall and El resurfaced in her mind reminding her that this was real and currently happening.

Hopper, more focused on the pressing matter of finding out Will was not really dead completely overlooked her anxiety-ridden ramble and grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her out of the room. His brow was furrowed in determination as they quickly exited the morgue and headed towards his car.

Allie stumbled behind him, still trying to comprehend what she just saw. She didn't even notice herself getting into his car and him starting to drive. "Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to your home," he answered curtly as he turned the corner.

Allie, despite her anxiety, shook her head, "No, we have to go to the lab and find out what they're hiding. We can't just let this go!"

Hopper rolled his shoulders, "No, it's too dangerous. Especially for you, I can't be responsible for you getting hurt."

"This may be our only chance! Jim, something is going on there and even though I sure as hell don't want to go there, I have a gut feeling we should." Allie countered her hands gripping the armrests.

Hopper stopped at a stop sign and looked at her, "Allie, the whole lab is full of soldiers, highly trained at that. The chances of us even finding anything there is probably impossible."

Allie's reoccurring nightmare of her getting shot flashed in her mind but she shoved the thought away, "I don't care if you're not going to go cause I am," she said with narrowed eyes while getting out of his car. She looked at the road sign they were stopped at, they were right next to the Lab. She didn't even look behind her when she heard Jim's car door slam and his boots clapping the asphalt beneath him.

"Why can't you listen for once? This isn't some fantasy book!" Hopper called after her.

Allie glanced over her shoulder to see he was gaining on her, so she decided to run. She wouldn't let her family be threatened by the people in that lab. Hawkins Lab has already affected so many people and she wanted it to stop. Her flats had slipped off when she ran into the forest leaving her only in footies that tore from the sharp foliage beneath her.

Allie winced in pain as she ran, very well knowing that her feet were bleeding. Bright lights shone through the bushes up ahead and she knew she was close. All she had to do was climb the fence and try to get to the other side fast enough without getting cut by the barbed wire on top.

She was about to round the corner when an arm wrapped around her waist and another one wrapped tightly around her chest. A hand quickly covered her mouth to muffle her yells. Allie kicked widely as she was pulled to the ground and placed between someone's legs.

"If you're going to do something as stupid as that you sure probably make sure there is no one around to catch you" Hopper whispered in her ear as he held her close, releasing his hand from her mouth to point at the group of soldiers patrolling the fence.

Allie let out a breath that she was holding, "If you would have agreed to come with me, I wouldn't have to check if there was someone there," she hissed quietly, her hands wrapping around his forearm over her chest to try and get him to stop holding her so tightly.

Hopper rolled his eyes at her snarky comeback, "really? Did you not hear a word I said earlier? This is too dangerous."

Allie tilted her head to look up at him with narrowed eyes, "It's too late now, we're already here. There's no point in turning around now."

Hopper sighed in defeat about to say something when another patrol of soldiers started to walk by, this time a little too close for comfort. He covered Allie's mouth with his hand again and moved them further from sight causing her to roughly elbow him in the ribs, "shit, what was that for."

Allie pulled his hand off her mouth, "are you kidding me? You're literally squeezing the living daylights out of me Hop," she said quietly, pushing on his arm again.

Hopper, realizing how tight he was holding her, let go, with red cheeks, "sorry," he whispered and stood up. He held out his hand for her to take.

Allie grabbed his hand and winced when he pulled her to her feet. They stung painfully, and in hindsight, she really wished she didn't just run off into the woods like a crazy woman. Hopper was right when he said she would need another person. She looked up at him, "so, what should we do?"

Hopper ran a hand over his face, "We need bolt cutters to get through the fence. There is no way in hell that we can make it over that fence. Then we try to get past unnoticed long enough to find solid evidence."

"Do you have bolt cutters?" Allie asked him, rubbing her bare arms as an icy gust of wind passed by them.

"At the station," Hopper answered dully, realizing that she would not give up going into the lab, so he might as well go with her, "C'mon, let's go get them," he said as he started to walk back towards the car.

Allie smiled triumphantly and began to follow him but let out a small cry of pain, "shit."

"What?" Hopper stopped walked and turned around to see her bracing herself against a small oak tree.

"I lost my flats while running and I must have cut my feet up pretty bad," she lifted her leg to look at her foot to see her white footie stained with blood, "oh man," she whispered, starting to feel woozy from the sight of blood.

"You're not going to pass out right?" Hopper asked warily and took a couple of steps closer to her.

Allie swallowed thickly, feeling a wave of dizziness hit her, "No promises."

Hopper scoffed and quickly walked in front of her and picked her up, much to Allie's surprise. He placed one hand under her knees and the other over her midsection.

"Thanks," she said quietly, her hands clasping behind his neck.

"Yeah, no problem," he replied and looked down at her as he walked through the forest, moonlight highlighting the arch of her cheekbone and at that moment he wanted to cup her cheek in his hand and hold her close to him. The thought of doing that caught him off guard, why was he still having these thoughts?


some fluff next chap is really fluffy, some good stuff there.

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