VI: White Robin: Season

Start from the beginning

Maybe someday I will try salmon fishing.

Despite that, the massacre is still remain unsolved according to the Scotland Yard and to the people of England.

I just know that she knew the real identities of the perpetrators.

I am still a little unhappy about the massacre. I really want to know who killed those people.

However, it did caused a positive outcomes, for me.

One, most of my Hell friends are being more cautious and It made a little difference in the crime rate. Since, they are beginning to think more properly before they act.

No violence needed if it is really that necessary.

Two, I gained a quite amount of pounds from my Opium stocks. After Vanel's death, the news about the "drug" spread throughout London, which made the Policemen to be more alert, and because of this, the most of the customers prefer the smoke, for now.

Three, we don't have to deal the problematic Rat anymore. Although, I really want to know who eliminated all of them. It was such a gory image.

Murder is too much of a verdict for just a drug.

If I knew better, the cause of their deaths was not related to those drugs at all.

If it wasn't the drug, then what is it?

About those drug, I do have a little theory. It could be related to the one in Edinburgh.

In Hell, I once heard that this new drug could change the future and it will cost a lot of fortune.

Although, that is a mystery, for all I know, it was gossip and a myth.

"Good Morning, Khaine," Ariel said as she entered the room.

For now, I'm must focus on today.


"Guten Morgen" I replied  and get out of the the bed.

I relaxed myself in the bathroom for a while, as I closed my eyes and listen to the noise of the forest.

Then, I decided to step-off from the tub. I feel a little refreshed.

It could be because of the scented water which helped ease my thoughts.

The summer heat has been making me dizzy for days now.

I'm am not even anemic. I'm probably still not used to the weather here in the city. I sighed.

Are you alright, Khaine?" Ariel asked as she draped the bath robe over me.

In an instant, I caught her staring at my chest. I knew what mark she was looking at, the one in the middle of my chest. As she began to touch it with her fingertips, I saw her once sky-blue eyes glowed into a deep-blue stone that sparkled like a diamond. Sapphire.

"Do you remember the day we made our covenant?" I asked as she pulled back away and met my eyes, who returned back to their original state.

"Yes, I remember it feels like it was yesterday," she replied.

I saw a twinkle in her sky-blue eyes as she grin with her red lips.


The sun's ray hit the windows of the morning room. I eat my breakfast and the room started to get warm as the sun's hit stayed in the room with me. So hot!

Suddenly, as if someone answered my wish, a cool breeze entered the open window and lowered the temperature of the room, by a few.

I felt the wind, swallowing me with its coolness. Thank you.

As I drink the Zen tea, I opened the newspaper, JACK THE RIPPER! Whitechapel Murder!

Is this the reason why the Queen called me back from Devonport?

I read the paper and I imprinted the important words in my head.

Mary Nichols. Slashed. Mutilated. Plop! Plop!

"Khaine, are you alright?" Apollo stood next to me and wondered why I held my throat with my left hand.

What was that? It took me a few seconds before I can regain my composure.

"My throat feels ticklish," I lied.

Why does it feel like I was there? It feels so real. It must be an imagination.

Adrian looks concerned as he gave me the letter and I saw him went into the kitchen. To get some water? Thank you, Adrian.

I looked at the wax seal and I knew who it was from. The more I thought about that person, the more I can feel aggravated.

He is of "those" people who I don't like to meet anywhere or everywhere, unless it's business. If I see you in the streets, I will ignore you.

I have been in London since Spring and one of the many reasons why I am unknown to the society is because I don't like to participate 'The Season'.

Because of that I am known as the Black Diamond because they rarely see me and they don't know where my residence is in London.

The society don't know that I am the queen's Black Cat and her watch-cat, furfilling her wishes. Anyway, they don't need to know that.

The Season happens every summer.

It is when there are parties for debutantes, charities, etc. Also, it's that time of the year where the upper-class wastes most of their silvers and brag about their fortunes through spending.

"Just give it all to the charities and the homeless, especially those people living in East End," I mumbled and continued with my thoughts. Also, other people.

It is the perfect time for a young lady to find a suitable husband. Women wear the best and most fashionable clothes to attract many suitors. The time to look your very best.

Although, Mama and Papa did met in one of the charity balls, it was love at first sight, they once claimed.

Love? Tsk!  That will never happen to me because I will become a Nun!

Every time this part of the year rolls around the corner, I tend to avoid England as much as possible. Usually, I will cancel all my business plans that may held in England within this period.

I'm likely to escape to either Wales or Scotland and definitely not in Germany because of Oma. She usually asks too many questions and she always knows when I lie.

To avoid last year's parties, I went to France with Ariel and Adrian and visited my Mama's birthplace.

Grand-père and Baba recommended it to me once.

I went just to get it off my list.

Thank God I did! It was really beautiful and I was able to practice my imperfect French. At least it improved a little, especially my pronounciations.

When summer passed that year, I came back from Alba, France.

This letter's sender already knew that I'm a permanent residence here in London after I met him again in one of those Hell meetings.

White Robin must be very happy.

"Job and Pleasure can't go together. This is one of the rules I Obey" I said and opened the invitation.

But rules are made to be broken, anyways.


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