III: Yellow Mouse: Massacre (II)

Start from the beginning


Minutes later, I walked down the stairwell and noticed one of the victims crawling as if trying to escape Death one last time, while he has an air left in his lungs. As he saw me, a smile of relief is printed his face as if I was a savior sent from above to save him

"What happened?" I demanded.

"M-m-mon...," he gasped.

"What is it? Say it!" I knelt down and grabbed for his collar. Anon, Death got to him before he speak to me, leaving my questions unanswered.

"Useless" I said and punched the wall.


"Where are they? Didn't I left an urgent note to meet me at this hour!" I complained as I stood facing Adrian and he knew the reason why my patience is wearing thin by the minute.

"I highly suggest that next time, you should reveal your identity in the note," he said as he enjoyed my mistakes.

I knew that he was right and pretended that I didn't hear him.

"What if Ariel starts to worry? What if the dinner becomes cold? What if it rains?" I ranted.

I felt myself gasped for breath and still continued, "Are they going to explain to her why we are late? Are they going to cook....?"

Then I heard carriages coming to us. They pulled to a halt and two men exited.

I presumed that they are the ones in-charge?

I saw both them walked in Adrian's direction, I immediately stood in between them.

Just because I look like a child doesn't mean I am not capable of anything.

Then, Adrian stood beside me before they could reached our site and smiled at the men as a greeting.

"I introduce to you, His Grace Duke of Blackrose," he said.

After he introduced me, the men couldn't hide the astonishement on their faces. Afterwards, I overheard whispers from the policemen in the background and even one of them gasped "A Duke!", while some of them mumbled softly as if I didn't hear anything, "He's too short", "He's too young", "From that family?"

I can hear perfectly fine, my good men. Pardon me for my thoughts but if I may, will you allows me the honor to stab you 'fellow' gentlemen one by one with my sword-stick?

"Good evening, Your Grace" one of the men, with eyeglasses, greeted as he tipped his top hat with his white-gloved hand.

I was glad that he interrupted me from my horrid thoughts before I can reenact it in real life.

For some reason, I felt that his actions contradicted his words, and he appeared to hesitate when showing his respects.

It's fine, I'm still not used to it anyways. People bows and curtsies. However, the others did took their hats and bowed with respect.

"My name is Arthur Randall. I am the commissioner of the Scotland Yard," the hesitant man introduced himself.

I saw that he has a long black hair tied with a red ribbon and he wore an dark brown ulster coat over his suit.

"My name is Fred Abberline" the other man with an auburn hair, who wore a light-brown trench coat, introduced himself as he took off his bowler hat and bowed at me.

I looked at the two officers and I saw that they are completely opposite. Domineering and Obedient.


Minutes passed-by and most of their faces are in terror.

I will predict that they will assume that I am the culprit. Is it because I was a little discreet on the note?

By the way, It was a note that called for your back-up. I planned on not hurting anyone, except for Vanel. I only wanted Adrian to hang the men on the trees with their legs, not with their necks. All I want is to prevent them from doing something ridiculous, like getting themselves killed.

Oh wait,  I was too late.

Just as I predicted Arthur Randall suspected me, while Fred Abberline reminded him, "We don't have enough evidence, plus..." and whispered, "He is a Duke"

I heard you. Next time, I suggest to pull yourselves a little feet farther away like by that tree over there.

"Never mind" Arthur pushed Fred away from him as shades of red painted his face and mumbled something.

"The Dog," I overheard him.

"I was here to catch something, but someone already took my prey before I could," I assured them and reminded them, "If you think I was lying about today, you can ask Her Majesty herself"

Before long, I entered the carriage and we were gone.

Dog? Who is this supposedly dog.  Probably, it's a real dog.

Isn't the Cat supposed to kill a Rat? Today was probably the result of a Mafia argument. No person could create such kind of massacre.

I do feel bad for them, with those amount of corpses.

Also, cleaning that mansion. I should correct that, more like ruins.


When we got home, Ariel was mad. She lectured to both Adrian and I.

It was a long one too. In the middle of her lecture, my stomach growled and we all laughed.

I really want to know who created such a mess.


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