Chapter 25 - Roomie

Start from the beginning

''Have you ever wandered why I'm so calm whenever I see a dead body ?''  Jason shakes his hand. It was true, you did handle the dead bodies better than all the other teens who started screaming. '' Me being and 'edgy' goth teen, I started working at a mortuary. I washed or embalmed dead people and dressed them for their funeral or cremation. My first time was unsettling but I worked there some while so, yeah, I'm kinda immune to being shocked to my core by seeing a dead body since I spent hours washing and touching several. Only reason I stopped working there is because they closed.So...there.'' 

After that, you started approaching familiar roads and just showed them to Jason and explained him several things while he was watching all the decorated shops in awe,like a small child. You take the quickest way home and finally arrive. 

 ''So here we are. Not much but it works. I also have a gift for you waiting inside...well it's not really for you but you'll be the one receiving it.''

.All three get out of the car and you unlock the door and turn on the lights of your home.You settle things inside the empty house and head to the large carton box in the living room. Nobody was there,but the fridge was full. Your roomate might be still coming and going. Though she mostly lived at her boyfriend's.

''Well, here's my room. Get changed, lay down, relax. '' you say while opening the box. Inside was a mini glass cabinet freezer you had ordered a few days ago. You connect it to the power outlet and place it between your closet and the wall. ''Perfect fit. Now, please put your mother's for her.'' Jason does as you tell him while Cookie sniffs the new item while waging his tail. 

You bring the suitcase and unpack the clothes. Once again, you make room for Jason's. You take a deep breath and lie down after four hours of driving. Good thing you lived in a suburban area and things were quite calm. If Debby wasn't coming, both of you would have your own bed. You get up and go grab a bite of an apple and tell Jason to go watch TV  while you take a quick shower.

You get out and put on some pajamas, you dry your hair and go sit next to him. ''You can go change clothes, if you want. It'll help you relax,dont'you think ?''. Apparently he agrees and heads to your room. It was time for Cookie's dinner too so you decided to serve him.

''Here you go!'' you say while petting him as a reward for his patience.

As you watch him eat,you hear a car pull up on your driveway. Oh no. You go to the window and see who it is. Luckily, Cookie barks twice and  goes to check up on Jason.You go close the door of your room.The door unlocks.

''Hey, Baaaaabe ! (y/n) ! Where are you ?'' you hear in the distance. Jason jerks at the sound.

''Umm...Jason. I might have forgotten to mention I don't live alone...I have a roommate. Don't worry, I've known her for lots of years, she's just like me. I just thought she was gone...again. Don't worry though, she knows everything...kinda'' You close the door behind you and get to the living room to see your best friend.

''Hey Debby !''

''Hey boo ! My you've lost weight !'' she says while hugging you tightly. ''But still voluptuous !'' she says teasing you.

''So you woke up on that side of the bed !''

''You've been gone to New Jersey for so long, thought some serial killer might have gotten you !''

''Do you know something about that ?'' you gave a worried look.

''Just some murders at a winter resort...but I know my girl will stay as far away from sports as possible!''

''You got that right!'' you chuckled nervously.

There was a loud thumping noise coming from your room. You started sweating nervously. Shit. How were you going to explain everything going on in there.

''What was that ?'' Debby asks

''N-Nothing.'' You ran nervously towards the door to prevent her from entering. The noise continued.

''That sounded like something''

'' see...In New Jersey a lot of things happened...a few drunken decisions...'' you say as you lean on the door and Cookie steps out.

''Is that what you were doing in New Jersey ?''

''Crystal Lake, actually and yes ! Getting drunk and adopting a dog!'' Debby starts to squeeze Cookie's face cooing at him of how good of a boy he is. You smile.

''I knew you were a good person deep down...''she smiles at you.

''My drunken self doesn't reflect my true self!''

''I disagree...'' she grins. Then the sound of footsteps came from behind you.

''Is there something else you are hiding in there...?''

''Nope!'' you prayed for Jason to stay quieter or remove his shoes.

''Are you sure ? Because I have trouble believing you.''

''Debby...I can explain! It's not-'' you try to say while she sprints and opens the door, just to see Jason in his undershirt. You look at the both of them making eye contact. The room is silent for a solid 5 seconds. Your mind raced trying to find a believable explanation.

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