❤July Rain❤

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“Timmy!” She reached out to gather the cat in her hands and slowly caressed her back.

“Is it your cat?” “Is it your cat?” Dhruv and Naina asked each other at the same time and chuckled together.

“She just likes to come here I guess so I let her in.” He let her know and Naina nodded playing with the cat as she purred.

“She comes by my flat too and today too I was giving her milk and followed her here or else I would have never known you shifted here!” Naina talked, her attention still focused on the cat.

“Oh btw I live in 402 ,just downstairs!” she met his friendly gaze and smiled up at him, finally letting the cat go which ran out the door towards the lift. Rising to her feet she rubber her palms together and looked around. Dhruv had unpacked almost everything.

“How long has it been?” She queried.

“Since a week, um..would you like something?”

He was being nice to her and he had no idea why he was doing what he was doing. She smiled and shook her head at his courteousness. “No thanks. I’m good.”

“Okay” he pursed his lips not knowing where to take the conversation. The silence that followed was awkward and it was strange because technically it was their fourth meeting and they have shared comfortable silences before when they didn't even know each other and now meeting like this was new and weird.

“You can let me know if you need any help, recommendations for like a maid or cook…” she offered but he shook his head. “I mostly eat outside I am not home much.”

“Oh! Cool okay!” Naina remembered him working in that bar when she met him and wondered what he did in the day and what type of work he did that he had to eat out and she could tell he ate out alone.

“I like the quote on your door” she said, her index finger pointing to the door. He smiled and acknowledged her praise. “There’s more like them at my gym”

Clearly, his fitness screamed that he went to the gym and worked out until the sweat nearly blinded him. “What do you do for a living Dhruv?”

Working for a living? He smirked inwardly. What was his life? Nothing. He just did few things to pass the time and days went by, he survived with the little money he had. “I’m a gym trainer.”

It was evident in Naina’s face that she was impressed. He caught her glancing around his frame and the appreciation floating in her eyes, she liked what she saw. Most girls did.


“Yeah!” Dhruv wasn't being inquisitive even though he wanted to learn so much about her life and what she did and how she was. She intrigued him but he didn't want to rush things and sound too much into her. She gave him a sweet smile, “I’ll see you around then?”

“Sure” he nodded and followed her out to the door.

“You can reach me anytime. 402 remember.” She said and didn't wait for him to reply before rushing downstairs to her floor. He folded his hands and sat at his door, his eyes catching a glimpse of the cat she called Timmy. He fingered the milk container Naina had brought earlier and pulled it towards him, pouring the milk from the plastic bag and then feeding the cat.

Someday it will happen ~| Completed |~ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora