"No Hyung, you were doing what any good Leader would do, putting the entire group first." Jimin spoke and I nodded "it's okay Hyung really, what matters is that you're okay with it now." I smiled again and he returned the gesture.

"Wait- aren't you two going to want to share a room?" Hoseok asked and pouted at Jimin, "Yeah probably, sorry Hobi..." He frowned apologetically and Hoseok sighed.

"We're moving buildings soon anyway, so how about we just stick to our normal rooms for the next week or so and then we'll discuss who gets what room at the new building, is that okay with you two?" Namjoon spoke once again like a true leader and I looked to Jimin before nodding.

"I'm sure we can go a week without sharing a room, I'll be able to sleep better just knowing you love me..." I mumbled to Jimin and he blushed, "good, because I'll always love you, so hopefully you'll never have a bad nights sleep again." He booped my nose and I couldn't help but immediately grin, laugh and hide my face at his cuteness.

"Oh no... I've just realised we're all gonna have to put up with the overly cute couple cringe all the time now." Taehyung sighed and Jin hit him, "oh shush you, they're adorable, maybe it'll inspire you to feel love you pabo! We'll all find love one day." Jin cooed at us both before standing up.

"Right well we're all finished so Hoseok you're helping me with the dishes! Off you pop children." He pulled Hoseok out of his chair who just groaned in annoyance, Jimin giggled at them before I too stood and pulled him out of his chair.

"Come back to my room?" I asked and he nodded, "thanks again everyone." I smiled, "Yeah, I'm so happy we have you guys." Jimin grinned and sent finger hearts to everyone before we left the room.

"That went well." I spoke happily as we walked hand in hand toward my room, "it really did... I'm so surprised about Namjoon, happy of course but surprised nonetheless." Jimin admitted and I shrugged.

"I was at least expecting a little telling off before he came to terms with it." I laughed and Jimin agreed, we reached my room and I sat back on the couch with a sigh, closing my eyes and laying my head back.

Suddenly I felt Jimin climbing onto me, his knees positioned either side of my legs as he sat on my thighs and rested his hands over my shoulders, my hands moved to hold his waist and he smiled down at me, "I love you so much Kook-ah." He spoke softly and I blushed, "I love you too Hyung."

He moved his face down and connected our lips in a deep and passionate kiss, slow and meaningful, radiating in love as we relished in our happiness.

"We'll need to tell the company itself at some point... tell the managers... how do you think that'll go?" I asked as we pulled apart, "probably not quite as well as this went, but if we have everyone on our side, there's not much they can do to stop us." He shrugged with a small smirk of confidence.

"I guess you're right, I just hope they don't kick us out or something..." I sighed and he just laughed, "they would never Jungkook, if they even threatened to I'm sure the others would stand up for us, what are they gonna do, kick us all out? Then they don't have their star group..." he pretended to flick imaginary hair behind him sassily and I laughed.

"You're very confident in us Hyung." I commented and he grinned, "you said you liked my confidence, besides of course I am, I truly believe nothing bad can really happen, now that even Namjoon believes in us, I don't think anything can break us apart." He grinned before pushing his lips back onto mine.

I kissed him back softly, running my tongue between his lips until he let me in, I felt my body shudder when he pulled me closer, his hands gripping the back of my hair and his tongue pushing against my own.

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